Chapter 15: An Eventful Day

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Boscha had set up a hoop outside and was practicing her basketball skill, she'll be damned if she lets herself get rusty over the summer.

"Alright, Luz, ready to help?" Boscha asked, picking up a ball that looked very familiar.

'Ready, Boscha!' Luz thought.

What had happened, was Eda tried hitting Boscha with her tried-and-true ball spell, but Luz had been walking and got hit by accident, and that's when Boscha had an idea, and here we are. Boscha began dribbling Luz and ran to the hoop. She jumped up and slammed Luz into the hoop. She then picked up Luz and began to throw her from several different spots. After a good 20 minutes, Boscha held Luz against her side and drank from her water bottle.

"Phew, thanks for the help, Luz." Boscha said, "Now just to find Eda and fix you."

Right as she said that, Eda kicked the door open, all excited.

"Ooo, today is a great day!" Eda said, grabbing Boscha and putting her on the staff, "King, hurry up!"

"I'm coming." King said, running as fast as his little legs could carry.

'Aw!' Luz thought.

"AW!" Boscha said.

Eda took off and flew as fast as possible to the beach. They landed and Boscha got off.

"So, why are we here?" Boscha asked, spinning Luz on her finger.

"Because of this!" Eda said, motioning to the item they had come here for.

Boscha stopped spinning Luz, and pointed her towards the thing they were looking at. Both sisters were looking at it in shock.

"Eda this is a rotting fucking corpse!" Boscha said.

"I know!" Eda said, happily, "This is a trash slug, it lives it's life eating all the junk that people throw out, until BAM... it get hit by a wave and dies from the salt!"

"Yeah, cool... can you turn Luz back to normal now?"

Boscha held Luz up, and quickly pulled her away, as Eda threw a pickaxe at Boscha.

"Watch it, don't need you popping my sister!" Boscha said.

Eda rolled her eyes and turned Luz back to normal.

"There, now come help." Eda said.

"Uh, I'd rather not." Luz said, "While I don't have any problem being a ball, I am not crawling inside a monster's stomach."

"Yeah, we're going to go do something else." Boscha said, starting to walk away, before tripping over big pile of garbage, "Ow."

"Hey, here's an idea, why don't you teach us some witchy stuff?" Luz suggested.

"Like how to not fall for a scam?" Eda asked, making Luz look down in shame, "Hey, listen Kid."

Eda got on her knee and held Luz's shoulders.

"I know, you wanted some kind of cool quest, to prove yourself, but the truth is... everyone wants to believe they're a chosen one, but if everyone waited for a prophecy to come for them, we'd all die waiting... that's why you need to pick yourself." Eda said, "Come on, let me teach you something important."

Eda brought Luz over to the pile Boscha tripped over

"Reach in and pick something at random." Eda said, "A true witch is resourceful, able to use what they find to help them."

Luz raised an eyebrow and reached in, pulling out some strange spike ball thing. Luz didn't know how'd she use it, but... she trusted Eda... against her better judgement.

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