Chapter 16: A Rainy Day

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Boscha was outside, throwing a grudgby ball at the basketball hoop. She didn't want to bring her ball here, so she left it at home. It was the last thing she got from her dad, she really didn't want it to get ruined or lost or destroyed. Inside, Luz was getting a demon lesson from King, she wasn't really interested in that. It was a pretty nice day out she had to admit. King, meanwhile, had a murder board set up for his presentation. Photographs and drawings of various creatures that could only be inferred as demons filled the board. The supposed king of demons delivered his oration with passion to his audience of one.

"Demons like me are grim tricksters of the twilight, creatures of sulfur. And bone. And anarchy. And FURY. AND- Luz are you even listening?"

His would-be student was whittling the time away looking at her phone and adding flair to the pictures she had taken of the presentation so far. "Oh, yeah. Totally."

"Seriously, you need to be paying attention!" King scolded. "This information could save your life someday."

"Totally paying attention. This is my paying attention face." Luz made an exaggerated listening expression while nodding and humming. After a few seconds, she checked her phone again.

King became slightly concerned. "Are you feeling okay? You're acting a little more scatterbrained than usual."

"You think so?" Luz asked. "Might be time for my medication. I should have some methylphenidate left."

"Mithril funny date? Is that some kind of potion or something?"

"Or something." Luz fished her medication out of her bag and took her recommended daily dosage. "It helps me to control my impulses and mood and concentrate better."

"So it's some kind of intelligence-boosting potion?" King wrung his diabolically cute paws. "If I had access to that magic, imagine the havoc I could wreak on my enemies."

"Nuh-uh." Luz put her medication back in her bag and zipped it up. Tight. "I need this. If I go too long without, I get all moody and forgetful."

"Oh. So it's a potion a day to keep the curse away?"

"I guess? "Curse" sounds a bit harsh, though. Should we get back to the lesson?"

"Oh, yes!" King scampered back to his murder board. "So, intro aside, demons of the Boiling Isles can be sorted into three categories known as the "Three B's." That's bugs, beasts and bipeds. The last B might be of interest to you since your sis-"

A strange chime interrupted his speech, causing Luz to go back to her phone.

"WEH?!" King was understandably flummoxed. "I thought that potion was supposed to help you pay attention!"

"I mean, it takes a while to kick in. But that was Mom's ringtone just now!" Luz scrolled for a few seconds before jumping to her feet. "And she's ready to come here! Where's Eda?! Boscha?!"

Luz ran outside before King could get a word in.

"Boscha, mom's coming! Where's Eda!?"

Before Boscha could answer, Eda came by.

"Hey there kids." Eda said, "What's got the short haired one all jumpy?"

"EdaEdaEdaEdaEdaEDA!" Luz was running in place. "Need portal! Need key! Where door?!"

"Geez, kid, where's the fire?" Eda asked.

Luz ran even faster in place. "¡Mamá viene de visita! ¡Necesitamos prepararnos!"


"She said Mom's ready to come over." Boscha roughly translated for her sister.

"Where the hell is that damn key?!" Eda began frantically rummaging through her hair.

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