Chapter 4: Lunch

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It's been a few weeks since the playground incident, and Puta has become something of a catchphrase for Boscha. Whenever she got mad, or if someone was messing with Luz, she would call them that, still unaware of what it meant. Camila and Manny we're in the kitchen making Lunch while Boscha and Luz were watch people walking their dogs out the window.

"Mami, can we get a puppy?" Boscha asked.

Camila looked at Manny, who just shook his head.

"Maybe when you're older sweetheart." Camila told her oldest daughter.

It was official, the signed adoption papers on the fridge confirmed that the three-eyed girl is now an official Noceda. They couldn't just let the girl grow up without family after all, and they haven't seen or heard anything in almost three months, if her birth parents were out there, it was clear that they didn't want to find her. Luz was more than thrilled to have a sister, especially one that was equally as weird as her. Boscha herself was more than content with her new family. She remembered little to nothing of her previous life, and the few days before she was found entailed wandering aimlessly, being chased by cruel teenagers and wild animals. The Nocedas were the only people she could recall who showed her kindness, and she was all too happy to be one of them. It wouldn't hurt to have a pet, though.

"I would love the heck out of that puppy." Boscha muttered as she narrowed her eyes.

"Ditto." Luz replied with equal fervor.

Manny watched them with adoration while he was refrying plantain slices for tostones.

"Will those two ever not be adorable together?"

"Doesn't look like it." Camila replied while setting the table. "I'm happy Boscha has taken to our family so well. She's even acclimated to your cooking faster than I did."

"Hardy-har-har." Manny rolled his eyes. "Maybe for dinner, I'll prepare my famous Assassin's Spaghetti."

"No!" Camila almost shouted, her mind clouded with flashes of flying pasta, flailing limbs and pulled hair. "No spaghetti. Not again... NEVER again."

"What, don't want a new picture with both of the girls?" Manny asked with a smile.

"Do you want to sleep UNDER the dog house?" Camila asked.

"Only if you're there." Manny said with a small hip bump to Camila.

Camila moved a step and let out a small laugh.

"Why don't you go take the girls to the living room and play with them while I finish dinner." Camila said before whispering, "I think they're planning on stealing the neighbor's dog."

And so, Camila finished preparing lunch while Manny distracted the girls with videos of a small fluffy dog by the name of Gabriel. Against her better judgement, Camila decided to have lunch in the living room while the family watched TV. It wasn't her thing, but it was such a lazy afternoon that she succumbed to her desire to vegetate. The fact that Cosmic Frontier: Elysium was on at that moment may or may not have played a part in that decision. Forty-five minutes into the episode, and Manny and Boscha were enraptured at the sight of Commander Wurfle in a firefight with the sinister Nimoids. Camila was content with holding Luz, who fell asleep. It was a perfect afternoon, up until Boscha was fidgeting with her ears. She turned to her adoptive parents with a worried expression.

Boscha Noceda Where stories live. Discover now