Chapter 17: The Covention

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Boscha was snoring loudly as she slept in bed... until Luz slapped a light glyph on the ground next to her, waking her up and making her very angry.

"LUZ!" Boscha yelled.

"Rise and shine, sleepyhead!" How Luz could be so damn cheery in the morning Boscha would never be able to discern.

"I shall neither rise nor shine." The older sister pulled her sleeping bag over her head. " Too early in the morning."

"But it's already two in the afternoon!"

Boscha's head poked out of the bag, her eyes wide in disbelief. She then sighed. "Nope. Not falling for that again."

She closed her eyes, hoping against hope that Luz would cut out her usual morning antics. She knows better, but maybe her sister would defy expectations as she did when she discovered the light glyph yesterday.


Then she was struck in the forehead with what felt like a marble. She sat bolt upright, ready to exact her retribution. "What the hell did you hit me with?!"

Luz was playing around with little spheres of light that she created. Boscha watched in disbelief as she dropped a few on the floor, making clacking noises as they bounced across the wooden surface.

"How are you doing that?" Boscha asked. "Light shouldn't work that way."

Luz was all too happy to explain. "It's my patented super light! When I use a glyph, I just focus on what I want it to do. Like when I took on Eda, I wanted to make hard light like those hologram people in Mom's old space show that could interact with solid objects."

"So, like that Bose-Einstein condensate method in that one episode of "Val Frizz the Science Whiz?""

"I... guess? I don't remember tha- agh! Just stop... being good at science!"

"Make me- OWW!"

Luz chuckled after flicking another light marble at Boscha's forehead. "Ha! You said "meow.""

Boscha gave her patented death stare at her sister. "Just so you know, my joy at your learning of magic is all that's keeping me from straight-up mauling you right now."

"As I said before, you gotta pick your battles." Luz boasted.


The reverie -such as it was- was interrupted when Eda called from downstairs. The girls went through their usual morning routines, then joined Eda and King in the kitchen.

"You bellowed?" Luz jokingly inquired.

Eda was filling huge duffle bags full of junk she recently acquired from the Human Realm. "Stuff your food holes and get ready for work!" The Owl Lady commanded. "I've got some quality trash to bestow upon Bonesborough and I want us ready ASAGDMFP!"

"It must be urgent if you're abbreviating swear words." Boscha quipped.

"To hell with profanity! The Day Market AWAITS!"


The streets of Bonesborough were empty, save for Eda's stand.

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