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(A/n: that's Morgan ^^)
+Grace's P.O.v+

Today, I'm hooking up Ashton and my one friend Morgan. They're like perfect for each other. She's pretty, he's attractive to many girls. She's funny, he's funny. It's just perfect.

I rush to her locker from mine, which is at the other end of the hallway.

"Morgan!" I call.

She turns her head and smiles, "Hey Grace!"

"Hey, so you don't have a date to prom yet, do you?"

"No, not yet." She pouts lightly.

"Great, because I think I found someone for you."

"Really? Who!"

"My best friend Ashton." I smile.

"No way, are you kidding me? He's not going to want to go to prom with me." She says.

"He doesn't have a date either. You guys are perfect for each other." I gush as I take her arm and bring her to our lunch table.

As I approach, Ashton's in a conversation with Luke and doesn't see me until I sit down.

"Hey Grace," he pauses for a second and looks at Morgan, who is blushing madly. "Who's your friend?"

"This is Morgan. Morgan, this is Ashton."

"It's nice to meet you." Morgan smiles.

"Nice to meet you as well." He grins. "Aren't we in the same history class?"

"I think so, you have Mr. Phillips, don't you?"

"Yeah!" He exclaims with a smile. "I knew I recognized you from somewhere."

Great, they're talking! Now I just need Ashton to like her. Hopefully he does, I mean come on. They're perfect.

+Ashton's P.O.V+

She's beautiful. To bluntly put it. I didn't think I'd ever meet someone so wonderful and majestic like Grace.

But I can't think about Grace right now, I have a perfect chance to get my mind off of her. She obviously doesn't have feelings for me as I do for her. So I need to get with someone else.

"You're really funny." Morgan giggles.

"Thank you, you're quite hilarious yourself." I say and let a giggle past my lips.

I clamp my hands over my mouth, only to have Morgan erupt in laughter.

"Ok, I do giggle sometimes and I hate it." I confess.

"No! It's so cute!" She gushes.

"I love your laugh." I say and chuckle.

"Thanks, yours is contagious." She blushes.

"So, I know it's kind of boring to ask this way, but would you be interested in going to prom with me?" I ask her.

Morgan's face lights up and her eyes sparkle, "Yes, I would love to go to prom with you!" She smiles.

"Great. I can't wait." I smile.


As lunch continued on, we started to talk about what colors we would do. She likes the color purple, which is perfect because I like that color too.

"So purple it is!" I chuckle.

"Great! I have this beautiful purple dress, but I don't want to tell you what it looks like. I want it to be a surprise." She giggles.

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