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+Grace's P.OV+

Ashton's mum left a few moments ago. Giving us the opportunity to take things further.

I'm currently on top of him as his hands roam the lower half of my body. My right hand holds his cheek as his hands grab ahold of my ass.

I pull my knees beside his hips and kiss his jawline. Earning a low hum from Ashton's throat.

Slowly, I begin to slide Ashton's shirt up to his stomach. But instead of a hum or moan, he lets out a giggle. A fucking giggle.

"A giggle Ashton? Really, I'm trying to get your shirt off as seductively as possible and you giggle?" I ask, a bit agitated.

"Babe-I mean Grace," he quickly corrects himself, which I found cute. "You know I'm ticklish."

I hang my head as I groan in frustration. "Ok, just take your damn shirt off already."

He sits up slightly and takes his shirt off in ease within seconds. The small outline of his abs lay beautifully on his stomach. His v-line leads me to the hem of his jeans. Leaving me to wander what is held beneath the tent of his pants.

I lean down and begin to press open mouthed kisses to his chest. Ashton doesn't really make any noises except for heavy breaths.

Not much later, I let my lips skim his v-line, getting him to buck his hips lightly.

I bring my hands up to unbutton and unzip his jeans, when his hands grab mine.

"Grace, I don't know if we should do this." Ashton says with a sigh.

"Why not? We'll just be each other's first. It won't mean anything." I say.

"I don't know..." He says in a questioning voice.

"We don't have to. I mean, I just wanted to experience it. But if you don't, I won't rush you." I say and sit up.

"It's not that-fuck." He growls under his breath before grabbing me and throwing me underneath him. "Why I am actually doing this, I have no fucking clue. You are one damn lucky bitch." He mutters as he pulls my shirt off and yanks down my yoga pants. Along with my underwear.

I gasp as the cool air of his air conditioner, touches my throbbing core. Being underneath him, and seeing him so aggressive makes me feel so little and powerless.

Ashton's large hands make their way to my back where he fumbles with the clasp of my bra. Until he finally unhooks it and chucks my bra across the room.

He begins to leave many kisses down my chest, leading to my stomach. Where he leaves a mark of his own underneath my belly button.

"Ashton." I gasp.

He gazes at me through his eyelashes with a devious smirk across his lips. Carefully, Ashton spreads my legs. My heart begins to speed up as I become more nervous. I've never done this before.

Suddenly, I feel his hot breath against the skin between my legs. I let out a little whimper. Out of, both, anticipation and fright.

I hear him chuckle deeply. Not one of his sweet giggles my friend, a low low devious chuckle. Opening my eyes I look down at him and watch as he slightly parts his mouth and sticks his tongue out. Slowly, he gently licks a stripe up my folds.

Another gasp leaves my mouth and my throat becomes dry. I close my mouth to gather moister until I open it again to start panting.

Ashton only licks a few more stripes up the skin, before bringing his face up to mine and kissing me. In a passionate seeming way.

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