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~Two hours til prom~
+Ashton's P.O.V+

"Luke, is this on right? Is it too loose?" I ask him a bunch of questions.

"Mate, loosen up. It's fine. You look sharp. Morgan will love you." he says and smacks my shoulder.

"Yeah, that's the problem." I say as I put on my purple bandana.

"I thought you and Morgan hit it off pretty nicely, what's wrong?"

"Earlier today Morgan and I were buying this tie, then we were making out. Then Grace walks in. Of course I chased after her, she was crying. So I tried to calm her down. Only for her to tell me something, I'm not telling you."

"Oh, shit. Did she tell you she loved you?"

"No, not exactly."

"Let's just go to prom."


Knocking on Morgan's door, her mother opens it.

"Hello! You must be Ashton, Morgan's right in here." The middle aged women leads me into the living room.

As I enter, I see Morgan in a light purple dress with beading on the top.

"Holy shit, you look, wow." I say, not being able to find the words to describe what she looks like.

"Beautiful?" She questions.

I shake my head, "That would be an understatement."

She blushes as she pushes a piece of curled hair behind her shoulder.

"Ok, let's take some pictures!" her mum exclaims as he ushers us out to the front yard.


"Mum, I think you've taken enough photos." Morgan whines.

"Ok, I'm sorry. You both just look wonderful." She gushes.

"Ready?" I ask her.

"I'm ready." She smiles.

I lead her to the car and open the door for her. She quietly thanks me before I get in myself.


I pull up at the lake where everyone meets for pictures and to meet their dates. But I already picked mine up. Even though I wish my date was Grace, but only Luke, Calum and I will know that.

"Oh my god, Chelsea! You look gorgeous!" Morgan exclaims as she leaves me to talk with other friends.

"I'm so nervous." I tell Luke as I cross my arms over my chest.


"What if I can't keep my eyes off of Grace when she gets here? What will Morgan think?"

"Dude, the worst thing that could happen is Morgan get jealous and you ruin her prom night." Luke shrugs.

"Yes because that makes me feel a lot better." I roll my eyes.

Suddenly, my butt is slapped causing me to whip around and face Michael Clifford.

"Michael, fuck off you asshole." I scoff playfully and punch him.

"Dude, watch the tux. This was expensive." Michael says and straightens it out. "Shit, look at all the babes." He smirks.

"How can you say that?" I ask out of disgust.


"You think these girls are hot? Have you seen Grace? Have you truly looked at her for who she is?" I ask him with a scowl.

"How can you not think these girls are hot? Look at Ellie. Damn, that dress hugs her ass so nicely. But yeah, Grace is hot as well." He shrugs at the end, as if Grace wasn't as good as the other girls.

"Michael, what the hell is wrong with you?" I scoff.

"I didn't even do anything!" He exclaims.

"You're drooling over these other girls when you have Grace!" I scold him.

"Your point?"

"Your date is Grace Matthews for fucks sake!" I almost shout.

"Oh, I understand. You like Grace. Mate, you could've just told me." He chuckles.

"That's not the point." I shake my head at him.

"Well, even if it is or not, she belongs to me now." He smirks.

"She doesn't belong to anyone."

"Yes she does. And since she likes me, she'll probably do just about anything I want." He chuckles.

"Michael, I swear to fucking god, if you hurt her I will put you in the hospital."

"Oh no, I'm so scared. Ashton Irwin is threatening to put me in the hospital." He says in a girly voice.

"It wasn't a threat it was a promise."

"Whatever mate. I'm not going to hurt her. I promise." He raises his hand as he walks away from me and Luke.

"Now I'm even more nervous."


It's been about an hour since I've been here and Grace hasn't shown up yet. I'm getting anxious.

"Excuse me." I hear a soft voice say behind me, along with a tap on the shoulder.

"Yeah-holy fuck."

This chapter's kinda short. Sorry but wait until you see Grace's dress!!! It's gorgeous. I love it!!!

Anyways, what does Michael mean about doing anything huh? Does he actually like her?

I hope you guys are liking the story. (wxntersdemon , I love you!)

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