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+Grace's P.O.V+

"Oh my god, oh my god." I say as my eyes widen.

"So...how about Prom?" He asks.

"Yes! Oh my god yes!" I shriek and lunge at him.

I wrap my arms around his neck.

"Can't wait." He smiles.

"I never though you'd ask." I say as I rest my forehead against his.

"I had to before someone else did." He says.

"Could we-ugh-could we kiss?" I ask and blush.

He smirks before kissing me and holding me close to his chest. I reach up and run my hands through his, surprisingly, soft hair. It's a little dry but soft.


We ate the pizza and have just been talking and getting to know each other better.

Michael is so nice and he's funny and super sweet.

"I never knew how funny you were." I say in the midst of laughing.

"Well now you know." He says and kisses my temple. "What do you say we head back to my place, hang out, maybe make out a little."

"I would, but I promised Ashton I'd go back and hang out for the weekend."

"Nah, that's ok. I can just bring you home after Prom." He says and winks.

"Ok, I'll see you on Monday." I say.

"Alright, see yah cuteness." He smirks before pulling me in for a long kiss.

+Ashton's P.O.V+

Three hours. It has been three hours since Grace left because of a sudden text message. Where did she go? And who is she with?

"Hey Ash, sorry I was gone so long." Grace apologizes as she walks into my bedroom.

"Where have you been? It's been three hours!" I ask as I sit up and stare at her.

"Michael texted me and told me to meet him at the park. And there, he asked me to prom!" She exclaims.

Of course he did.

My anger turns into jealousy and depression. Why can't I ever get her? The only thing I've ever done with her that nobody else has, is have sex. And that was something I wanted to be special. Not just something we would do to experience it.

"Oh. Well, that's exciting." I say and fake a smile.

"I know right! And you were right. He was just waiting for the right moment. And I'm so happy he asked me. When he asked, I almost exploded. Then we kissed. It was so magical. I know that's sounds stupid and cliché but it was amazing. And his hair is actually really soft." She rambles. "Well, I'm done talking about me, who are going to go to prom with?"

"I don't know if I am going to prom." I shrug.

"Why not?" She pouts.

"Well I just don't really like anyone that goes to school and I don't wanna hurt anyone's feelings because I'm bored."

"You could just hang out with us. Like me and Michael and Luke and Calum. You could introduce the girl to all of us and we could have a great time." She smiles.

"But I don't have a date."

"I can fix that." She smiles.

Sorry for the short chapter. Just a filler.

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