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Here's another update because my girl wouldn't shut up wxntersdemon

+Ashton's P.O.V+

"Ashton, I think I'm pregnant." Grace announces as she enters my room.

"What? We didn't even have sex." I say, confused.

"I know, but I think that's why I flipped out on you. Which I'm sorry for. I don't even know why, I think it's like hormones or something. But remember last night when we had sex in the shower?" She reminds me.

"Shit! Oh god, I'm gonna be a dad. We're gonna be parents. I didn't plan for this to happen. I'm sorry, Grace I'm really sorry. I didn't want to do this to you."

"No, it's-it's ok. We just need to figure all this out. We need to buy an apartment or house even. We need jobs. Ashton, do you realize how expensive babies are?"

"Well first, shouldn't you take a test just to make sure?" I ask.

"Yeah, ok, let's go."


"Which one should I buy?" Grace asks as we look at the array of test boxes.

"I don't know, just buy one. We'll find out with any one." I say.

"Yeah, I'll just get this one." She says and grabs a blue box.

+Grace's P.O.V+

"Ashton, I don't wanna do this. I don't wanna know if I'm pregnant."

"Baby, we've gotta do this. We have to be ready."

I sigh and take the box with me into the bathroom.

After a few minutes and a couple tests, I set a timer for three minutes.

"Ashton, I'm really scared. I don't wanna be pregnant. But then again I do. But I don't."

"I think we'll be ok with whatever news we get." He tells me and kisses my forehead.

My timer goes off, starling me and my heart to start pounding.

"We'll be ok."

I nod my head before walking back into the bathroom from the hallway.

I shut off the timer before looking at the tests.




"Ashton, two say negative, but one says positive."

"Take another one just to make sure." He says and closes the door.

After doing my stuff, I wait another few minutes before looking at the test.


"Ashton! I'm not pregnant! We're not gonna have a baby! We're still teenagers." I rejoice and jump on him.

He chuckles, "Shall we celebrate?"

"Not today Ashton. I'm sorry."

"No, no. It's fine. Let's just watch movies and cuddle." He smiles.


I threw away the four tests away and now cuddled against Ashton's warm chest.

"I'm so happy." I smile and kiss his chest.

"Why? You don't want a baby?"

"No, I do. Just not yet." I giggle.

"But, you do want a baby. Right?"

"Yes, of course I want a baby." I quickly respond.

"With me?" Ashton asks.

"Definitely." I reply and kiss his bottom lip.

Ashton pulls my closer and smashes our lips together.

"I love you so much." He tells me.

"I love you more.


"Ashton, I'm pregnant." I tell him as I look down at the positive test in my hand.

"Really!" He exclaims.

"Yes! We're actually pregnant!" I rejoice as I jump into his arms.

"We're gonna be parents." He smiles and kisses me.

"We're gonna be parents." I repeat with a smile.

I flutter my eyes open as I sit up in bed. I look to my left and see Ashton peacefully sleeping on his stomach.

I place my hand on my stomach, expecting a bump or something. When really, it's just flat. Like it has been. And will be for a good while.

Sighing, I begin to find myself wanting a baby more and more. But we're still too young.

"Ashton." I say and poke him. "Ashton."

He groans before turning his back to me.

"Ashton, wake up." I say and nudge him.

"W-what? Are you ok, is that baby ok?" He asks sitting up.

"What? Baby? Ashton I'm not pregnant."

"Oh, right. Sorry. What's wrong?"

"But, about babies. I-Ashton, I want a baby." I quickly tell him.

"What? Grace, are you crazy? We're only eighteen. We can't afford a baby." He tells me as he rubs his eyes.

"I know, but this was the second dream I've had tonight about having a baby. And you obviously just had one. Ashton, I know we're still young but I want one so bad."

"I think we should wait." Ashton says.

"Ashton, I'm not kidding. I want to have a baby with you."

He sighs, before laying back down, "Baby, I get you want to start a family. And that's always been a dream of yours. Having a large family. But we're still in high school. We don't have jobs and we don't have a place together. And I honestly don't wanna have a baby while we still live at our parents place."

"Then let's get an apartment. We can start looking and move in this summer." I suggest.

"But we need jobs."

"Then we can get jobs. It's not that hard."

"Can we talk about this tomorrow? I'm tired and I'm getting a headache."

"Yeah, good night Ash."

"Night, babe."

I lay down on his chest as I think about what our life would be like with a little one around.

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