Collision of passion

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2023 Miami

LeClerc's POV:

I have several problems with Max. That he's a dick, that he drives too well and looks too fucking good, and I should hate him. He clearly hates me, so I have to be like this to him too. I used to want him to pay attention to me because I had a fucking big crush on him. I knew I was gay, but I have a girlfriend, but that's only for the media. Now I want him to pay attention to me so that he can see that he's nowhere compaired to me especially not in a human way. Miami was a new track last year for the first time and it went pretty good, but Max won. But I don't give a fuck. This year I'm going to show him who is the real talent. I'm sick of him thinking the fucking world revolves around him. I encouraged myself before the time trial in the driver's room and decided that I would behave with him as he was with me. But when I went out to the pitlane and Max came to face me, it didn't matter how irritatingly he looked at me, I just remembered our hug from the past. I was sorry, but I didn't want to. I wanted to avoid him, but I knew that it would be impossible with him because he would look for me if he wanted to. I can't escape. I got into the car and tried to go for the pole. As soon as Max passed me, my competitive spirit flared up in me and I started to go after him with 300 in his wind shadow. We were very close and the wheels came together in the slow corner and I drifted out, he didn't. I ended up with P20 and he ended up with P16.

Verstappen's POV:

I was on a fast lap and he came very close to me the whole time. Dangerously close. I knew there was going to be trouble because this crazy man doesn't see the limits and in turn 6, which is a slow turn, I saw the nose of the car coming in next to mine. I had the inside curve, but he pulled the steering wheel on me and the wheels touched. I spun but managed to keep the car, but he ended up in the wall.

"WHAT AN IDIOT!!!" -I shouted on the radio

I finished the lap and knew I didn't have time to improve, so I closed at the back.

"It's P16 Max, P16" -GP said and I was furious

"Yeah, no shit Sherlock! This is that fucking bitch's fault!" -I said angryly

I went back to the garage and threw the steering wheel out of the car. I went to the Ferrari garage, my blood was boiling. "I'm gonna hit this little shit" I thought. Leclerc was already sitting on the bench and I grabbed his wrist tightly and started to drag him behind the hospitality. I didn't want everyone to see us fighting again. When we were far away from the people, I grabbed his racing suit on his chest and pushed him hard against the wall. Whereupon he hissed and closed his eyes and turned his head to the left. He was afraid but I didn't care.

"Do you know what you did?!?! I clearly told you to leave me alone!!! You didn't seem to understand that!" -I shouted- "FUCK, WHAT SHOULD I DO TO MAKE YOU UNDERSTAND?! Seriously!" -I totally lost my temper

"Not my fault! I don't always provoke you! You're a fucking cocky asshole! I'M SURE I'M NOT GOING TO LET YOU OPPRESS ME TOO!!!" -At that time, he looked into my eyes and tried to push me away while screaming at me at the top of his lungs

Then I heard footsteps and knew that if he didn't stay quiet, we would get caught. I grabbed his throat and squeezed it a little.

"Shut up" -I whispered

"You will not order me around!!!!" -he tried to scream at me but couldn't because of the tightness

"Is anyone here?" -I heared someone asking it from a big distance

Charles had already opened his mouth to scream, so I kissed him hard. As our lips met I heard him moan and he immediately kissed back. The kiss didn't last long, as I heard the person leave, I bit his lower lip. I could feel the blood in my mouth before he cried out.

"AAARGH" -he shouted and touched his lips

I let go of his throat and stepped back. The kiss was very good, but I know it's not right.

"Fuck off LeClerc. I recommend that you don't come near me at the race tomorrow. If you can't handle yourself next time, I guarantee that you'll scream better, but while I'm inside you." -I said and left him with the shock in his eyes and bleeding lips

LeClerc's POV:

I got a shock. I went back to the hotel and lay down on the bed. I didn't know what happened. He kissed me. But that probably didn't mean anything, he just wanted to prove that he dominates me and unfortunately I just supported him by kissing him back without thinking. He's aggressive and dangerous, I shouldn't play with him, but I can't do anything. I still love and am attracted to him and he doesn't deserve it. I will do everything to win and somehow I will have to avoid him because I don't know how long I will last this emotional terror. The next day I got into the car and I didn't meet Max before that, which is strange because I used to see him and he wasn't in the pilot's parade either. I hope his father doesn't hurt him again. I couldn't bear the thought of his own father hurting him. But now I only had to focus on the competition, but it didn't work. As the race started in the 3rd turn, Albon came into me from behind and I slid next to Max, who could no longer hold the car, so my car hit him and we drifted into the wall. Meanwhile, my car turns towards his and everything went dark.

Verstappen's POV:

At first I was nervous, then I saw when I got out that Charles wasn't moving. I started to feel worried and quickly went over to get him out of the car. When I tried to untie him, I smelled diesel fuel, so I quickly took him out of the car and tried to go as far as possible. I took off his helmet and mine too. As I turned back, I saw that the car was already on fire. The ambulance came and they took Charles from me. I also had to go with them because they wanted to examine me as well, but I said that I was fine and Charles has to be examined first. I waited in the hospital for 1 hour when the doctor came out and said that there was nothing wrong with me.

"Where is Charles?" -I asked

"He hit his head, that's why he passed out, but he doesn't have a concussion, but his blood pressure is very low, so we'll keep him under observation for a few days." -he said

"Can go to see him... ?" -I asked nervously

"Yeah ofcourse. He is in the next room." -he said and pointed to the door

I went in and saw him lying on the bed and just staring at himself. I was glad that he was awake, but I could see that he was nowhere near well. As I closed the door, he looked at me and I saw the fear in his eyes. As I got closer, he started to move away in the bed.

"Please go away" -he said and tears left his eyes

I went to him, sat on the bed and hugged him. He just hugged me slowly. It was a very good feeling. I was reassured that there was nothing wrong.

"Don't be afraid. I would never hurt you. We're not friends, and maybe I don't hate you..." -I whispered and he hugged me tighter

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