Thor/Loki X Goddess of Insanity (you)

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Warning: Kinda angsty

"Lady (Y/N), My love, what are you doing?" Thor asked warily. He added the 'my love' part so he wouldn't piss you off before he got his question in.

You turned your head to face him in a terrifying manor and smiled creepily, making him take a step back.

"Planning." You replied ominously.

"Planning for what?" He asked obliviously. Your smile flickered from terrifyingly happy to almost depressed, but you quickly righted yourself.

"Betrayal." You replied. Usually you don't speak much. Thor is one of two people who can actually get a full conversation out of you. Loki is the other you and Loki are best friends. He has feelings for you, but Odin thought that Thor was better for you because he could potentially balance out your more terrifying tendencies. There was no denying that you were insane, but it's not like it's your fault. 

No mental disability/illness is. But Odin was in denial about your insanity even though he knew your mother was the Goddess of Discord and Strife, Eris. (I know it's two totally different mythologies, but bear with me.) For some reason, he refused to acknowledge the fact that you and Thor were too polar of opposites.

"Who's betrayal?" Thor asked innocently. Your kind demeanor changed instantly from pleasant to pissed.

"Yours!" You screeched. "You son of a bitch! You dreamt about fucking with Jane twenty-five times since last Thursday!" You stood up abruptly and turned to face him. Anger evident in your features and burning in your eyes. You stalked towards him and all but growled at his look of confusion.

"It's just a dream, (Y/N). Nothing to worry about." Thor said calmly, desperately trying to deescalate the situation.

"LIAR!" You snapped. "Your thought's and dreams only come after you do something, Odinson! I know you slept with Jane!"

"Children, children, why are you fighting?" Odin asked. "You are meant to be wed within the month." 

"HE CHEATED!" you accused. Your eyes were glowing green and purple, malice dripping from your fingertips.

"Thor?" Odin asked. "Is this true."

Thor hung his head shamefully. "Yes father. It is." Thor admitted solemnly.

"Why?" Odin asked.

"Because the coward is scared of (Y/N) and in love with Jane." Loki butt in. 

"Loki!" You exclaimed happily. You rushed to his side and looked up at him lovingly. and then glared at Thor. "Fuck you! Were done! Call off the marriage old man." 

Loki smiled down at your short form, wrapping his arms around your waist gently. "Princess," He started, stroking your cheek, then holding your chin softly. "I've loved you with my entire being for ages. Will you be mine?" 

You grabbed his collar and pulled him down into a rough, passionate kiss. "Yes."

"Father, I love Jane. Not (Y/N). Besides, she's happier with Loki. He understands her and doesn't fear her. Let them be happy."

"Fine." Odin agreed tiredly. "I'll call off the marriage." The next day you and Loki were wed, set to live happily ever after.

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