Ch. Ten: Toxic! Koki x Reader: HELP!

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I don't know who to hate at this point anymore. Myself for being too weak to save myself, or Koki for ruining my life. I can't even do anything about it anymore, because she took my phone away. I still have my car though.

Koki barged into my room and threw a broken plate at me. I let the pieces hit me. I didn't even care anymore.

"Why the hell is that plate broken, (Y/N)?!" She yelled.

I sighed and picked the pieces up. "I don't know." I got up and threw the pieces into a box before I threw them away. "I haven't been allowed to do the dishes since last week." I answered. Koki glared at me.

"I'm going out. Stay here you bitch."

"Okay." I sighed. She left and I took my phone back out of the drawer she poorly hid it in.

You: Hey Aviva.

Viva: Sup?

Nothing much, you?

Martin asked me out. If that means anything to you.

Oh congrats! :) I'm happy for you.

I- um, I know you won't believe this but Koki's abusing me.


No. I was scared you'd hate me for telling you this because she doesn't

Act that way in public. But when we get home she starts hitting

me and throwing stuff at me. The last time I tried running, she very nearly killed me.

Then proceeded to bring me to the hospital and say I was hit by a car.

No fucking way. I'm calling the goddamned police rn.

Get the hell out of that damn house rn.

I'm about to lose my freedom.

Where is she?

She just went to the bar.

She went to the one we go to as a group sometimes.

Oh hell naw. Imma get you out of this shitty situation.

I just texted Martin to go pick u up.

He'll be there in twenty. Pack what you want.


I put my phone away and packed a bag of what little things I had left. Like Aviva said, Martin was there in 20 minutes and I sat next to him in the front passenger seat.

"Hey... You know we'd never hate you for needing help, right?" Martin asked. I swallowed.

"I know that in my mind, just not in my heart. A part of me still feels guilty for getting you roped up into this. I could practically hear Aviva cocking her gun over text." I chuckled weakly.

"Yeah. She came to me with a bat and a gun and said, 'go pick (Y/N) up'." I laughed weakly.

"That's hilarious. I can see that happening." I replied. Quite honestly I was tired as all get out and slowly fell asleep. About an hour later I woke up to Aviva singing softly and stroking my hair.

"Viva?" I asked. She looked down at me with a bright smile.

"I took care of her. She went to jail." Aviva said. I sighed, relieved. Tears slipped down my cheeks as I finally felt free.

"Thank you. Thank you so much." 

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