Giving in to the Love.

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A/N: I'm having the worst writer's block ever, sorry for taking so long again.
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Bada and Luna were snuggled on the sofa, Bada's arm over Luna's shoulders pulling the smaller girl even closer to her embrace, Luna had her legs over Bada's legs and her head rested on Bada's chest, her delicate hands took a place on Bada's waist, hugging it tighter, both of them had wide smiles on their faces as they watched a video on Bada's phone.

It was a video from the perspective of the audience, Bada and the other members of her old crew were on stage after presenting a performance, and loud approval screams were heard, but when Bada took the mic the screeching sounds from the girls on the audience went feral.

"Aaaaah! What is that?! The girlies were already going crazy for you.", I said quite jealous, of course, I knew Bada had always been popular, but watching high-school girls going insane for 17-year-old Bada in a bowl cut made me feel more jealous than I thought.

"I told you, I've always been popular", she said with a chuckle. When our eyes locked she arched her eyebrows and tilted her head, teasing me with a smirk on her plumped lips.
"What? You do not like seeing girls screaming for me?".

"STOP!", I screamed pushing her away aggressively but the smile on my lips didn't lie, I loved when she teased me like that.

Laughs filled the room, Bada was dying by my side, hiding her face on one of the cushions, probably too embarrassed by what she said after realizing that the boys were there too.
I looked over to the other couch and they were a mess, dying laughing as they clapped their hands and screamed at what she said.

"Noona, what are you talking about?", Jungkook screamed pretending to be shocked.

"Girls screaming for you? What does that mean?", Jimin asked with the most teasing smile I ever saw.

Hoseok laughed so hard, his face was already burning red like a tomato, he gasped for air desperately making weird noises that only made me laugh even more.

"Give me this phone", I said taking the phone from her hand, she laughed so much that didn't have the strength to stop me. "I have to watch it again so I'll understand what you're talking about".

"Oh, I wanna watch it too", Namjoon ran to my side followed by the boys, who gathered around us to watch the video.

"OPPAAA NO, I WAS JUST KIDDING!", she tried to stop them from watching by waving her hands in front of them and even trying to grab the phone from my hands but she couldn't fight eight people at the same time and soon gave up, hiding her red little face behind me.

They laughed like crazy when the girls started screaming for her as she thanked them for watching her crew's performance.

"Yaa! Not even I was that popular among girls in my high school years. I would want to be your friend.", Jin joked in a laugh.

While the boys continued to mercilessly tease her the only thing heard was the sound of her muffled laugh.

"So Bada-nim has been breaking hearts since high school? You know, when I met you I could already feel it, but seeing it it's crazy!", Joon teased her again, poking a finger on her side to catch her attention as she was still hiding her face behind me.
She contorted herself and hugged my waist tighter letting out a cute laugh, my heart couldn't take her cuteness, and my cheeks already hurt from laughing and smiling so much.

"I'm sorry to ruin the fun but the cars are ready, let's hurry so you don't get late for your appointments today.", Sejin said by the door.

"I don't have anything scheduled today!!!", I stated happily kicking my feet on the ground, teasing my members who would have to work on their appointments while I could just lay down on the couch of my home doing nothing.

"Whatever", Jimin stuck his tongue at me, a childish way we found of telling each other to fuck off without really saying it or giving the middle finger.

"Bye Bada. You can't hide forever, we'll see you tomorrow!", Tae teased her as the boys left the room chuckling at his comment.

"You can get up now, they already left", I poked her side the same way Joon did earlier.

"I don't want to. I like it here, it's comfortable", she said with a laugh.

"C'moooon", I pulled her from my embrace making her sit up again. Her cheeks were flushed in red color, she had her eyes closed and a shy smile on her lips, and the strands of black and soft pink hair messily fell through her shoulders, making her look even cuter if that was even possible. Bada rarely gets ashamed and red like that, she's the kind of woman who is completely confident in every situation, but now she looks so cute and innocent that I almost forgot what she meant by "girls screaming for her".

"You say nasty things and now want to act all shy? Are you kidding me Bada Lee?", I laughed out loud, I took my hands to her face, and as soon as the tip of my fingers got in contact with the soft skin of her cheeks I could feel how hot they were, almost like she had a fever.

She chuckled scrunching her nose in embarrassment, eyes still close, that beautiful shy smile still on her lips, my heart skipped a beat while I admired her prettiness for some seconds.

"You're so perfect.", I said under my breath, the words left my lips without me even realizing it, and I instantly felt flustered by my actions.

She opened her eyes and they were shining like the brightest stars in the universe, her head slightly tilted to the side, she looked at me in the most loveable yet curious way, analyzing every single trace of my face, trying to decipher what I meant by that phrase, butterflies on my stomach as I chuckled ashamed.

"Don't look at me like that", I tried to pull my hands off her face but her long fingers closed around my wrists making the task impossible.
Her eyes almost disappeared as she smiled widely at me.

"You don't even realize when you do these things, right? That's why you feel so embarrassed when I notice", her sweet voice sounded calm and soft, which only made me even more flustered.

It was impossible to keep eye contact when she acted like that, or else my intrusive and desperate thoughts would take control and I would kiss her, ruining everything, my gaze fell.
Her hands went from my wrists to my face, caressing my cheeks gently, I closed my eyes feeling her touch, letting out a soft hum under my breath, her other hand placed on my neck, and she pulled me closer, our faces inches from each other, her warm breath on my lips, my hands rested on her chest and shoulders trying to pull her closer, making sure she knew I wanted her. Her deep brown eyes overflowing with feelings I couldn't name, her plumped lips looked like a work of art up close like this, I closed my eyes, hoping she would break the space between us. Our lips brushed against each other, it was so soft and humid it made me sign in a trance by the feelings on my chest. She finally pressed them together, she caressed my cheekbones with her thumbs, my arms wrapped around her neck. I felt like my heart could explode with happiness at any second, It seemed like she felt the same way as I felt her smiling in between my lips, I laughed under my breath slightly pulling away from her, the sound of her giggles sounded like music in my ears, she touched our foreheads together as we took time to feel every single second of the moment we much longed for.

Her eyes shone, as she softly bit her lips wanting to feel my taste again. The expression she had was the sweetest, she looked like a small puppy asking for more pets.

"You're so beautiful, your lips are so soft... Can I kiss you again?", she pleaded in a soft voice, alternating glances between my eyes and my lips.

"U-hum", I answered in the same soft tone, probably looking at her the same way she looked at me.

She kissed me again, but this time it felt intense like she was trying to say so many things just by that intimate moment. She licked my bottom lip, asking for permission to explore with her tongue, I instantly gave in, the feeling of our tongues touching against each other was heavenly. Her hands went to my thighs, caressing up and down, her nails pierced my skin deeper as the seconds went by and we felt more need for each other's touch. In a quick movement, I sat on her lap, it was impossible not to try and close my legs to feel something where I needed the most, my hands started exploring her curves, I gently scratched her tummy with my nails, and she sighed as her fingers went through my hair, pulling me closer to intensify the kiss, my hands went to her right boob, giving it a slight squeeze, we were panting loudly, sighing by the overflowing pleasure that each touch made us feel, welcoming the moment when we could finally give in to our love.

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