Chapter Four

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Happy summer everyone!! Just got back from relaxing at the pool. Ignore the mistakes!!


A few weeks passed, and nobody messed with me or Lily. Probably because I have been stuck up in the house staying under the covers of my bed, hissing at any sunlight I see, doing my laptop. Very cozy.

"Maddy, you have to get out of the house sometime," Krisy said opening some curtains, "So, I decided to take you and Lily to see your grandparents for a few days."

I groaned. "Will you be there too? And can Lisa come along?"

I hate my grandparents, on both sides. I hate them with a passion. They hate me and Lily, just because their children died. And when we visit them, all they do is hurt us with words.

"I will be there, and Lisa can only come if her parents let her."

I grinned, "This will be fun."

"Don't run off like you and Lisa did last time. It scared me! And please, don't cuss them out. Lily don't need to hear that kind of language."

"I promise," I said getting back on my laptop.


"Hello Krisy!" My grandmother greeted. They like Krisy better, and they are not even related!

"Hello Susan!" Krisy said back, "Hello Rob!"

My grandparents came and gave Krisy a hug. Lisa chuckled as she got her bag out or the car, "You don't see them doing that to you and Lily, do you?"

"Nope. I don't care no more though."

Lily ran up to Susan, but she ignored her. She ran up to Rob, but he just yelled, "Little girl, please leave. You run back over there!"

Lily came back to me and hugged me. "I wanna go home."

"Welcome to the club," Lisa said smiling.

"You didn't have to come," I pointed out to Lisa.

She shrugged. "Ehhh, I just didn't want your anger to go overboard like last time. I'm here to control you."

"Hey, I'm going to try my best!"

Lily hugged me tighter. "I wanna go home."

"Well Lily, we are here for a week. Deal with it," I said sighing.

"We can watch Disney movies the whole time! Okay Lily?" Lisa said smiling. She was an only child, and so she loved to hang out with Lily any chance she got.

"Ok, but can we watch them at home?" Man, that girl has a one track mind.

"No, Lily. Just relax, we are on vacation, remember?" I said rolling my eyes. Lily sighed and nodded. She ran over to Krisy and went inside the house.

Speaking of house, this house was big. I mean, you could have everyone and their momma over and everyone would fit inside the house. No joke. I never knew my grandparents on my dad's side was so rich until I saw them at the funeral. My grandparents on my mom's side, I mean just my grandmother, is not so rich. Not poor, not rich. I don't even know if she is still in California. All I know is my grandfather died of a stroke a few weeks after my parents died.

Me and Lisa grabbed our bags and went inside the house. We knew they had one butler, so we didn't have to carry our bags up the stairs to our room. His name is Max, and he just had graduated from high school looking for a job and a place to live. He was a bad boy, and that is why he got kicked out from his own home. Well, after a little bit of training classes that my grandparents gave him, he started calling everyone 'miss' and crap. Just from those classes, he never slept with a girl again, or bullied people.

"Max!" I called out. Lisa started laughing, because last time me and her were over here for a vacation, we made him re-paint our whole room, just for the fun of it. He thought Rob told us to tell him to do it, and so when Rob found out, Max almost got fired. Then, he blamed it on us, and we got in trouble. I was grounded for two weeks!

"Yes Susan?" Max asked. He came to a halt when he saw who it really was. "Rob tells me to stay away from you two, especially you, Miss Madeline."

"Well we just wanted you to carry our bags upstairs, and heck, please call me just Maddy." I rolled my eyes. Lisa started to laugh harder. I hope she breaks a rib from laughing so hard.

"Are we that bad of an influence, Max?" Lisa laughed out.

Max's cheeks flushed red. "Just doing my orders, ma'am," he said grabbing our bags.

"Call me Lisa," Lisa said.

"Yes, Miss Lisa," he said leading us up the stairs. "Which room?" Max asked.

"One with two beds," I said pointing to Lisa, "We have to be together at all times."

Max nodded and lead us to a room with two small beds. "Need anything else, ladies?" he asked while setting our bags down.

"Yeah, I'll take some wine, the best you can find," Lisa said laughing again.

"No! I mean, yes, Max, we are certainly fine."

Max left the room. Lisa started laughing loudly. "What are you laughing about?!"

"All the past things we made him do! And, when we were freshmen, we heard stories about him being the worst guy! And when we came over here and you saw him, your face was priceless!!" Lisa said through a fit of giggles.

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. Just don't be going and joking around making him do stuff. We all know you just do that because you like him!"

Lisa stopped laughing and turned beet red. "I do not. Just like messing with him."

"Ohhhh, yeah right. A blonde and a brunette, I ship it!" I said smiling.

"Terrible ship," she said smoothing some of her curly blonde hair down.

"In the past, you have made terrible ships, including the one with me and Albert. But this is my first one, and it's the best ship ever!" I said pumping my fists in the air.

"Shut up, freckled face," Lisa said gesturing towards to freckles on my nose.

"You shut up, dumb blonde," I said sticking my tounge out at her.

She sighed. "This is going to be a fun week."

"A challenging one too. Sharing a room with you for a whole week? I can't imagine!"

She threw a pillow at me. I threw it back.

A very fun week, I thought as we buried each other in pillows.


Hello everyone!! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

I want to start asking chapter questions (because I really don't have anything to say), so here it is:

If you were to go somewhere with your best friend for a week, where would it be?

Stay kawaii,
Kawaii Nerd xoxo

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