A New Year Begins

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The lovely, cheerful twittering of birds echoed across the clear blue skies. Celestia's sun was at its brightest as it shined upon the town of Ponyville. Joy was plastered upon the face of Princess Twilight Sparkle herself, as she strolled down the street with her loyal assistant always at her side, Spike. The two were hard at work planning for one of the biggest events Ponyville would ever see:

Spike and Gabby's wedding.

To think only one month prior when they had returned from their adventure into the Ice Age. That was the day Spike proposed to his girlfriend right in front of every pony and everyone. Much work still had to be done in preparation for the biggest day still to come. It was for those reasons why the pair were walking through town, trying earnestly to decide how everything should be set.

"I'm thinking we set rows of chairs over there," Twilight pointed toward town square. "We'll have Big Mac construct a magnificent arbor for the two of you to stand under. I'm also thinking of hanging some flowers around town. Speaking of which, what kind of flowers does Gabby like?"

"She really likes daffodils," Spike replied, mid-walk.

"Then we'll be sure to get dozens for the big day," Twilight smiled.

Spike looked toward his older sister figure, noting the tears in her eyes that she was proceeding to wipe away.

"Twi, are you crying?" Spike asked.

"Sorry," Twilight apologized, drying her eyes. "I just can't believe you're getting married. It seems only yesterday when you hatched from that egg for my entrance exam, just to apply for Princess Celestia's school."

Hearing the mention, Spike smiled as he knelt down and embraced her in a warm hug.

"Thanks Twilight," Spike spoke sincerely.

Soon as the pair pulled away, a sudden thought crossed Spike's mind. The like of which that sent his smile into a frown.

"Spike, what's wrong?" Twilight asked curiously.

"Nothing really," Spike sighed. "It's just... there's a part of me that wishes to know who my real parents were. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for your love and how your family took me in and loving me like your own. It's just I wish I could at least know them, maybe ask them to come to my wedding."

Twilight's face saddened greatly for her faithful assistant. The princess always knew he'd been wondering about his past for his whole life. In the days since Spike's hatching, all the professors informed Twilight and her parents that they had no clear idea where the egg came from. They could only assume the egg itself was abandoned. There was that one time they met a dragon, Sludge by name, claiming to be Spike's father. Only it was an excuse for free labor out of him, and to this day Twilight hated that dragon for hurting her dearest friend and brother.

As Spike looked out toward the horizon, he felt a comforting hoof upon his shoulder. He turned over and found himself gazing into the eyes of his princess companion.

"I know you do, Spike," Twilight spoke sweetly. "I wish I could give you more. There is still one thing I do know. If your parents were here right now, they'd be very proud of the dragon you've become."

Another smile coursed its way across Spike's face, as he wrapped his arms around Twilight Sparkle for another hug. They hugged for what felt like several moments when Spike felt a sudden tapping on his shoulder. The dragon turned around to come face-to-beak with his fiancée.

"Sorry, hope I'm not interrupting the tender moment," Gabby apologized sheepishly.

"Not at all, Gabby," Twilight assured her.

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