Knockturn and Diagon Alley

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A/N: As always, Drama is the best editor and friend in the world for all his hard work on the chapter.

Also thanks to CortezDude, ponydog127, and Phantom Dragon for their wonderful quotes in this chapter.

Also Whisper Dream is not an OC of mine, she belongs to ponydog127


A golden hue blanketed the green pastures of the English countryside. As the sun rose high over the air of a bright sun-filled morning, the only sounds were the rumbling two vehicles, the flying Ford Anglia and Discord's magic flying limo. Together they soared high above the air over Devon, London, too far for mortal eyes to see. The two vehicles, along with the occupants within, soared all through the night after having broken Harry and the Equestrians away from the clutches of the Dursleys hours prior. The Equestrian group sat in Discord's limo, peeking out the windows to catch a glimpse of the lovely English landscape they flew over.

"Yee doggies, this here landscape's mighty pretty," Apple Bloom commented, smiling. "Reminds me of Sweet Apple Acres."

"Without the endless rows of apple trees as far as the eye can see," Scootaloo added.

"I agree with the squirts over there," Gallus nodded. "This beats Griffonstone by a landslide."

"It's the kind of place I'd love to live in one day," Silverstream spoke dreamily.

Silverstream leaned closely toward her boyfriend, resting her head upon the crook of his neck. Gallus smiled as he placed a talon around his girlfriend, as they continued looking out the window.

"Maybe one day, Sil," Gallus chuckled.

Meanwhile, Pinkie Pie sat near the front of the limo playing with the window controls connected to Discord's driver's seat. She continuously pushed the button, making the window go up and down much to her amusement.

"He-he-heh! Up and down!" Pinkie giggled. "Up and down, up... and down."

In the driver's seat, an annoyed expression hung upon Discord's face as he piloted the car. He had to listen to Pinkie toying with the window for over an hour and it really started to get on his nerves. Finally having enough, Discord turned his head around like an owl and sent a heated glare toward the pink party pony.

"What?" Pinkie Pie shrugged.

"Pinkie, how many times have I asked you to stop playing with the window?!" Discord asked, annoyed.

"Hmm... let me think..." Pinkie replied.

The party pony reached into her mane and pulled out a calculator, pen, and a pad as she began punching numbers and writing equations.

"Let's see... eighteen multiplied by four, carry the nine, divided by three to the square root of..."

"Ugh! Why do I bother asking?" Discord facepalmed.

His annoyance, however, was quickly diminished when a certain yellow Pegasus with the brightest pink mane scooted across the seat toward him. His expression shifted to joy as the pony positioned herself near the window and faced him with the most soothing smile.

"It was really sweet of you to help us out of that situation, Discord," Fluttershy spoke sweetly.

A blush formed along the Lord of Chaos' face, which was so red that it proved difficult to hide.

"Uh, well... I... just did what any good friend would do," He stuttered nervously.

To which Fluttershy giggled cutely.

"Whatever the case, thank you Discord."

She soon leaned in and planted a sweet kiss on his cheek. The draconequus froze in place as his eyes bugged out. After a moment, the eyes quickly shattered like glass and hearts flew from the empty sockets, as a huge dopey smile appeared along his face.

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