Back to Hogwarts

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September 1st of 1992, this date meant only one thing...

A brand new school year for Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry has officially begun. At King's Cross Station, the flying Ford Anglia invisibly made to land. Amid a neat line of cars, the Anglia sat at a decidedly odd angle, as if its driver were not the most skilled motorist. But soon the Weasleys, along with Harry Potter and the Equestrians, quickly pushed large trolleys to have their bags placed. They made a mad dash for the barrier, and by the time they reached Platforms 9 & 10, they knew they were entering rush hour to board the train before its departure for Hogwarts. They were just passing the large clock when Mr. Weasley noticed the time.

"10:58!" Arthur called out. "Come on!"

"Oh dear!" Mrs. Weasley gasped worriedly. "The train'll be leaving any moment! All together now!"

Hurryingly, they race for Platforms Nine and Ten.

"Fred, George, Percy, you first!" Arthur instructed.

Quicky, the three brothers stride briskly toward the stone barrier of which divided the platforms – and simply disappeared.

"Go on, Ginny," Mrs. Weasley beckoned. "You know what to do."

Ginny, looking a bit nervous, rushed toward the barrier, closed her eyes, and sled her way into the other side.

"After you, Dear," Arthur gestured to his wife.

Together, the two Weasleys materialized by Ginny's side, the little girl gazing toward the Hogwarts Express.

"Come, Ginny," Mrs. Weasley led her daughter. "We'll get you a seat. Hurry!"

Meanwhile, back at King's Cross, the other Equestrians were preparing to venture into the barrier for another school year.

"I call dibs on the window seat!" Smolder called out.

"Not before I get there first!" Sandbar smirked.

"Yona says, 'Bring it on'!" Yona hopped excitedly.

"Come on, partners," Applejack beckoned calmly. "No time for dillydallying."

"Mustn't be late for school," Rarity added.

"Especially your first day, Crusaders," Rainbow Dash smirked.

"We're going to Hogwarts!" The Crusaders cheered in unison. "We're going to Hogwarts!"

Within a matter of seconds, the Mane Six, including Spike and the Student Six raced through the platform and vanished completely through the wall. Only Ron Weasley, Harry Potter, Sunset Shimmer, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders were left behind. Ron glanced anxiously at the clock.

"We better hurry," Ron suggested.

"Let's go!" Harry declared.

"Right behind ya partner," Apple Bloom spoke determinedly.

With a nod, Harry Potter took the lead running full speed to the wall with Ron, Sunset, and the Crusaders in tow, practically leaning onto his trolley. But then... something weird happened. The minute they raced towards the wall, all of a sudden – CRASH! – they hit the barrier and bounced back into each other. As if for some strange reason, the gateway to Platform 9 ¾ was sealed by some magical force. Soon bodies were flying over trolleys, crashing hard upon the ground along with a mix of Hedwig's hooting alerting the surrounding passengers, including the station guard.

Fortunately, whilst the guard eyed the boys suspiciously, the magic spell concealing the Jedi and three fillies kept them out of sight from the surrounding muggles. The guard, meanwhile, confronted the two boys for all the ruckus they caused.

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