Pesky Pixies and Vomit Slugs

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Later, following the embarrassing debacle with the Howler, the students roamed the corridors of Hogwarts. Either they were on their way to their classes or simply making their way from a class. While the Student Six made their way towards the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, the Cutie Mark Crusaders currently found themselves sitting in History of Magic class. However, with Storm Shield and Moondancer as professors for this class, it has since been renamed 'History of Magic: Wizarding and Equestrian'. The three little fillies all sat alongside one another at a long table as they listened to Storm and Moondancer's lecture yet could hardly contain their excitement.

"This is so exciting!" Sweetie Belle squealed quietly. "Our first actual class at Hogwarts!"

"Ah know right?" Apple Bloom nodded. "Ah've been waitin' fer this since getting our letters."

"I just wish we had a chance to actually use these." Sweetie Belle replied as she held up her wand.

Back after the girls had that tough landing in Knockturn Alley and eventually met up with others in Diagon Alley, the three fillies had finally gotten their wands. Apple Bloom's wand was of course made of apple wood, was none and a half inches long, and had a phoenix feather core.

 Apple Bloom's wand was of course made of apple wood, was none and a half inches long, and had a phoenix feather core

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Sweetie Belle's wand was an English oak wand, ten and three quarter inches with a unicorn feather core.

Sweetie Belle's wand was an English oak wand, ten and three quarter inches with a unicorn feather core

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Scootaloo's wand is a holly wood wand, ten inches with a dragon heartstring wand.

Scootaloo's wand is a holly wood wand, ten inches with a dragon heartstring wand

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