The Writing on the Wall

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A warm, yellowish-orange glow blanketed the plains of the Scottish Highlands as the sun began to set over the horizon. As the sun descended behind the hills alongside Hogwarts, the gigantic castle cast an enormous shadow upon the mountains. This would mark the end of the first day of the new terms for Hogwarts in general. The entire student body, along with their professors, filed into the Great Hall for another magnificent feast. Unbeknownst to them, however, a sinister plot was being formed beneath their feet.

Deep below the school, in a giant chamber within the tunnels, the Dark Order gathered at the base of a large stone statue depicting Salazar Slytherin. The Dark One and the Mysterious Benefactor gazed upon the giant stone head, evil intent stirring upon their minds.

"At last..." The Dark One declared eerily. "After so many years of waiting, the time has finally come!"

"I've waited for this day for nearly a thousand years," The Benefactor replied. "Too long the Wizarding World and Equestria have been a festering pool of decadence. Soon, we'll finally rid not only this world, but all worlds of the filth and scum of existence."

Behind the two evil figures, the remainder of the Order shared skeptical gazes staring at one another in the eye.

"Then why have you two waited this long for it to happen?" Adagio questioned. "No offense, but we've spent the entire time getting our butts kicked by those miserable ponies. If this secret weapon of yours is so great, why not release it ages ago?"

"The time wasn't right to set it loose upon the worlds," The Benefactor replied simply.

"Then you certainly took your sweet time," Aria snarked.

"Your delays have allowed those so-called 'heroes' to grow stronger, haltering our plans at every turn," Zoe added.

"SILENCE!!!" The Benefactor replied.

The three sirens merely scoffed, rolling their eyes over the sharp reply. Beside them, Darth Andromedis and Demetria hovered their lightsabers in their force grips never turning their gaze away from the two dark figures.

"Need I remind you I now control the Eternal Throne and the thousands of ancient alien war ships at my command?" Andromedis reminded them. "You need simply give the order and I can arrange for the Eternal Fleet to crush this Equestria along with any worlds you wish into a pile of slag."

"I don't think that's the best course of action, Master," Demetria responded. "As easy as it be to wipe these cretins off the face of the galaxy, I prefer they suffer first. Especially that traitorous wretch, Sunset Shimmer..."

A hand upon her shoulder and Demetrias' connection with the force ceased, and her lightsaber dropped from her hand. She turned with a heated glare towards Joseph Seed, who's merely been smiling at her.

"Worry not, child," He spoke calmly. "I've heard the word of God, and I assure you he has blessed us on our holy mission to purge those sinners from all worlds. However, as Rome was not built within a day, this mission could take years to achieve. Patience is key."

"I do not WISH to be patient!" Demetria snapped. "I want to watch the light leave Sunset Shimmer's eyes when I drive my lightsaber through her chest!"

It was then Cozy Glimmer and Tirek walked alongside them.

"You and me both sister!" Cozy Glow chuckled.

The sound of scrapping metal drew all eyes toward the side, spotting Sweeney Todd sharpening his razors with Chrysalis by his side.

"Soon they will all die," Sweeney said grimly. "Their blood will flow like a raging river."

"Indeed, my sweet," Chrysalis smirked wickedly.

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