Old Friends & Escape Plans

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The swirling orange portal opened from deep within the Scottish countryside. Emerging from the other side were two figures: Quill Cast and Curtain Call. As the portal slowly sealed behind them, both pairs of eyes looked out toward the landscape before them. The two stood upon a cliff at the edge of a row of trees which overlooked the beauty of the Scottish Highlands. However, their eyes were not upon the gorgeous landscape around them but rather toward the giant Hogwarts castle itself. An impressive display of architecture laying across the Black Lake, which sat just below the cliffside they currently stood upon. It had been years since the two companions gazed upon the ancient castle, yet that magical feeling of simply staring at it still lingered.

"Would you look at that?!" Quill spoke in amazement.

"Still as amazing as the first time walking through those doors," Curtain nodded.

"If this visit wasn't of dire importance, we'd actually enjoy a nice walk down memory lane," Quill voiced disappointment.

"Sadly, we have no such luxury," Curtain nodded, equally disappointed. "The fate of the Multiverse lies in our hooves as it does for the Mane Six and Spike."

Quill gazed toward the ground, and his eyes turned wide. It was then he noticed something he hadn't realized the moment they walked through the portal.

"Curtain... you may want to have a look."

Raising a curious eyebrow towards his friend's statement, Curtain Call gazed toward his feet. The moment he did, his eyes grew to the size of saucers. The two friends soon realized they no longer had the minuscule four-legged bodies of their equine counterparts. Quill now resembled a tall, good-looking Caucasian man with blonde hair that had been swept to the side. A man sporting dark grey jeans and a dark-green buttoned-up shirt.

Meanwhile, Curtain Call took on the appearance of a rather handsome Korean man with slicked-back, black hair

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Meanwhile, Curtain Call took on the appearance of a rather handsome Korean man with slicked-back, black hair. He wore a simple white T-shirt with a checkered flannel vest over it along with blue jeans.

 He wore a simple white T-shirt with a checkered flannel vest over it along with blue jeans

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To say both men were surprised by their new appearances was certainly an understatement. Reaching into a pocket within his flannel vest, Curtain Call found a pair of glasses which he placed over his face to see he wasn't hallucinating.

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