Chapter 3: Love, Scars and New Faces

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Declan has never been one to have strong emotions for strangers or people that he had just met.. When he met Sylvio, it took 3 whole months of the younger boy's pestering for them to actually become friends. It was at first just a way to pass the time, but then Declan started to actually care for the hyperactive kid. The same could be said for Riley, his little sibling. When he first met them, he only felt remorse. It took about a month and some heart to heart talks with Sylvio (who was the only one who ever listened to him and treated him like a regular human,) he allowed himself to show more affection to the kid and be a brother to the traumatized child.

But Kailee was... different. She was sweet, feisty, and had a huge heart. And it was as if something about her seemed to draw him in almost immediately after meeting this girl. But... what?

Well, he was pretty sure it wasn't her newfound obsession with cuddling his sibling.

"You. Are. So. Cute!!! What's your name?" Kailee asked, not realizing how... sensitive, Riley was. That's when Declan decided to intervene.

"That's my little sibling, Riley Akaba," Declan stated as he leaned down behind Kailee to face her.

"Oh. It's just you. Wanna make my goggles without permission now?" Kailee groaned, changing from happy to grumpy.

"Sis! Sorry about her, Declan-sama," Yuya said as he dragged her away, much to Kailee's reluctance. As she complained towards her brother, his heart fluttered yet again.

Damn. Is this... love?

"K-kailee-san... can we talk in private?" Declan asked, his voice wavering with uncertainty about this choice.

"Ugh, fine, idiot," Kailee muttered as she followed Declan to the room nearby, leaving a shaken baby and a confused teen (who is about to become very overprotective) to stand in the lobby by themselves. Totally not awkward.

"So... what d'you need to talk about sir? I'm all ears," Kailee said as they stood face to face, her being so close to Declan that he could see her crimson eyes up close, her ruby and emerald hair, and her rosy pink lips that he wanted so desperately to...

But that would be unethical. Wrong. Disrespectful towards her boundaries, but he needed to respect her boundaries, and he needed to establish a friendship first before taking it that far. To do that... he needed to ask her.

"Kailee-san..." Declan started, messing with his hands behind his back, nervous about what she would do. "Do... you wanna hang out tomorrow at 5? We can meet at the ice-cream place down the street."

Kailee was caught off guard. Did he... ask her out right now?

Does he like me...? The CEO of a huge corporation can have anyone... but does he want... me?

"Uh... I... y'know what, why not?" Kailee laughed, trying to hide her shock.

"Ok..." Declan breathed, locking his amethyst eyes into her ruby eyes.

For a while, they just stood there. Until Yuya, who was wondering what was taking Kailee so long, walked in to find her and Declan both blushing and looking out of breath. Now he might not be in a relationship, but his brother's sensors were going haywire.

Oh he wouldn't dare.

"Sis! We gotta go now!" Yuya called, trying to appear friendly, and not reveal his murderous intentions that he was desperately trying to pacify.

Kailee and Declan snapped out of their trance, as she groggily waved goodbye and left the room to leave Declan with the beast.

"Yuya-san..." Declan stammered, knowing damn well what he was about to do.

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