Chapter 5: Questions.

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Ray-chan, what the hell do you mean... you act like you know him on a personal level, Kailee uttered in her mind, starting to get curious.

Well, I do? 'Ray' shrugged, then took a deep breath. At least, in my past life.

Past life? Clair asked, while Kailee checked to lock the door while slipping a note outside the door, saying that her and Clair were sleeping.

How do I explain this... 'Ray' said while massaging her head. Well, remember what I told you two? How you're not human? And the dreams?

Uh yeah... Kailee answered, confused as to what she meant.

Well, I can show you the truth. My real face and name. But if you have to tell your friends in the end, you must call me Ray. Not by my real name. You will understand when I show you, 'Ray' told her reincarnations.

Uh... real face... ok I guess. Should we lay down first? Because this is waaaay too familiar... Kailee said, remembering how Vector showed her memories.

Yes... get ready, you should change too, in case someone comes in. Ray said.


We're ready! Kailee and Clair told 'Ray' in unison, both girls laying down in their bed/blow-up-mattresses.

Good, I just hope you won't get too... disturbed, 'Ray' sighed as she extended her hand, causing a white flash to emit from her, causing the girls to both black out, hitting the pillows with a dull 'thunk'.


"I never want to do this again..." Kailee groaned with a sharp roughness to her voice, absolutely done with landing on her backside.

"You can say that again..." Clair mutters, looking absolutely done with her life.

"Really you two? Stop being such babies," an unfamiliar girl huffed, which caused the duo to spin towards the woman. She looked to be about 16-17 years old, and was quite similar to the girls gawking at her. She had short white and green hair, along with golden yellow eyes- the same as Ringleader. Her outfit was rather cute- a crop, off-shoulder blue sweater paired with darker navy gloves, a matching blue skirt, dark red stockings with white hearts embroidered onto it, and black converse. On her head was a pair of red sunglasses, which she moved to hang on the neckline of her sweater. Like the girls, she had the same face shape, and looked as if she was an older sister. On her neck was a pyramid necklace, triangular and yellow. However, there seemed to be white blood as face markings, and she had a halo and angelic wings."What, I don't look that bad you two," She sighed, confirming she was 'Ray.'

"Bad? Girl, you look ADORABLE!!!" Kailee and Clair squeed in unison, making similar faces, causing their mentor to beam with pride.

"Thank you... but pay attention! Oh, also, the name's Zyla!" she commanded as she pointed to the scene playing in front of the trio.

Kailee and Clair turned to look, which was honestly not a bad scene (But Kailee was prepared for nukes to come out of nowhere at this point.) It was a park, and it was filled with kids with their loved ones, all of them having a peaceful time. However, a set of twins caught their eyes. They both had green and white hair, yellow eyes, and matching school uniforms with blue outlining on it. One looked like Zyla, and the other was definitely her twin, a young boy filled with life, who looked like Yuya, Yuto and Yugo.

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