Chapter 7: Pain

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Vector, Shay, Yuto, Sora, Yugo and Clair were home alone again.

To be honest, they didn't have a problem with it. It was fun to just relax and chill while planning out at times via calls with Leo Corporation how to defeat Duel Academy, which was their main goal.

But Vector was still wary of Sora, the blue haired wonder who randomly showed up, and since he knew Fusion Summoning, it made Vector worry. He didn't want the kid, who was honestly pretty chill, to turn out to be their enemy. But if it came down to it, Vector was willing to kill Sora.

"Vec-kun?" Shay asked Vector, snapping the latter out of his train of thought. Vector was sitting in a chair, fiddling with his lapis aimlessly, which seemed to have concerned Shay, even if his face remained the same.

"Oh yeah, I'm just a bit sleepy, I think I'll take a nap," Vector fibbed as he rushed upstairs to the guest bedroom the boys had been sharing. But truth be told, he hadn't gotten any sleep last night, so he might as well hit the hay. He crawled into the sleeping bag, and put on some sleeping music on his duel disk. It did the trick, as soon, he felt himself getting drowsy, he lost consciousness.


Declan sighed as he once again was sifting through paperwork with Hoshi and Sylvio since there were no meetings and nothing better to do.

Eventually, Hoshi grew annoyed with the mountain of work that she surrendered while saying, "I'm gonna go get some coffee. You guys want some?"

"Please," Declan groaned as he finished the last document and took off his glasses to rub his eyes. "Make it extra strong for me."

"Make it less strong for me, I don't need to go hyper right now," Sylvio added, almost falling asleep right then and there.

"Got it! I'll be ba-" Hoshi responded before a woman walked in. Immediately, her face fell as she made eye contact with Henrietta Akaba, a woman who she greatly disliked.

"Declan. There is a boy in the lobby who claims to know information about Duel Academy, and has requested for your presence alone. I recommend your security accompanies y-"

"No need. I will talk to him privately in my office. Sylvio and Hoshi, please accompany him here," Declan insisted before his mother could continue, much to her annoyance. She swiftly walked out of the office, much to the group's pleasure.

"All right Mr Boss Man!" Sylvio and Hoshi cry in unison as they run downstairs to pick up their 'guest'. Declan just sighs, knowing that they're gonna forget about his coffee, but at this point, he didn't even care. All he wanted was answers.

And he quickly got them, as a teen with orange hair and starry eyes wearing fancy clothes soon came inside the room, with a confident look and a purpose.

"Hello, my name is Declan Akaba. Tell me, how did you get inside? We only allow those with appointments, jobs, and interviews to come in," Declan introduced himself as he went to shake the younger boy's hand, which the latter accepted.

"Well, I wanted to *fix* my Duel Disk, you see, so I needed an appointment. Anyways, the name's Dennis Mcfield, and I'm an ex-student of Duel Academy 'cause I'm branded as a traitor," the newcomer blabbed as he and Declan sat down at the latter's desk. "Oh, also, here's your coffee."

Thank you Hoshi and Sylvio! Declan made a mental note, and then accepted the coffee. "Dennis-san, why are you considered a traitor?"

"Well, I'll get to that. But lemme tell the whole story first," Dennis replied as he crossed his arms and legs. "There is a kid at school, named Jaden Yuki. Let's just say he wasn't... ordinary. He had the ability to see Duel Monster Spirits, something not a lot of people could do. And not only that, he was a hero for saving everyone at the school 3 times before he *died,*" Dennis explained, making air quotes on the word 'died'. "But your father took advantage of his disappearance, and made the previous headmaster go missing as well. He said that this new world would allow our friends and those we cared about, including Jaden and Chancellor, to come back, so we were all in it at first but..." he started to fidget, looking uncomfortable. "He lied. Jaden was still alive..." Dennis froze up, looking scared, and hyperventilating. " We didn't realize Jaden or the previous headmaster was still alive- that he was lying- that he would hurt innocent people-"

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