Chapter 4: The Secret.

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"Uh... last I checked, Nii-chan ain't got no student so..." Kailee stammered as she slowly backed away from the hyperactive pre-teen, while discreetly grabbing her bat. Meanwhile, Declan was whispering with Shay and Yuto, no doubt trying to understand what this blue-haired stranger was doing here. Zuzu, however, had disappeared the moment the kid said hello to Kailee.

"Well he does now!" the kid exclaims, looking as if he was on a sugar rush with the huge lollipop in his mouth. "I'm Sora! Sora Perse!"

"Kid, go home, we've got things to do," Declan sighed as he pushed Sora towards the door in an attempt to make him leave. "And it doesn't concern you whatsoever."

"B-but I wanna train with Co-" Sora started, but was cut off by Yuya screaming at him.

"For the last time! I. AM. NOT. YOUR. COOOOAAACH!!!" Yuya yelled as Zuzu threw Sora out the window Trunchbull style, with the whole house erupting into applause.

"So, moving on to more important topics, Zuzu-chan you stay at home as much as possible," Kailee said as she put her hands on her friends shoulders. "Because if I'm not wrong, you're probably a target for Duel Academy."

"Slow your roll Kai-chan, how do you know for certain?" Zuzu quipped, confused by her friend's sudden nervous look.

"Because he kidnapped this Lulu-san and our friend Rin-chan, and since they both look like you, it means you're next!" Clair chimed in, looking nervous.

"WHAT?!?" Shay shouted, looking demented as Vector looked as if he just saw someone die.

"Shay-kun, I know it's annoying, but calm down," Yuto reasoned as he patted his friend's shoulder as a way to provide comfort to the angry 17 year old.

"Well, can we get an explanation on what's going on?" Yugo asked as he leaned onto his sister's back. "I mean, this is really confusing and all..."

"Well yeah, I guess we should tell them, considering they look like Kailee-chan and Yuya-kun..." Vector agreed, sitting on the couch again. "Now where to begin..."


"Uh... that's one heck of a story..." Clair murmured as she stared in awe after Yuya, Yuto, Kailee, Zuzu, Declan, Shay and Vector each took turns explaining what was happening in the XYZ and Standard dimensions.

"If Rin-rin hadn't been kidnapped I wouldn't believe you but..." Yugo stammered, fiddling with a necklace with a cog on the end.

"Yeah, trust me, Duel Academy is like a huge snake, each coil representing a student, and the snake's got like a million of them. We need more allies!" Vector declared as he sprung up from the couch and threw his hands up in anger, accidentally punching both Clair and Kailee who were sitting next to them, much to the duo's shock. "S-sorry!"

Kailee and Clair both just glared at Vector, reminding him too well about his girlfriend. Where is Nasch when you need him? Then again, he would just laugh, the sick jerk, probably calling this 'payback' and all. Vector thought as he sweatdropped and attempted to hide behind Yuto, who was all too familiar with this sort of situation.

"Kailee-chan, Clair-chan, it was an accident," Yuto sighed as he handed the duo ice packs, which calmed them down.

Meanwhile, Sora was listening outside the house. He was covered in cuts and bruises from the glass, but didn't care. After all, Duel Academy did worse to him whenever he disobeyed or failed. It looked like those XYZians were smarter than he thought. That was definitely a good thing. But how would he get close enough so he could trick the professor and...

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