Chapter 6: Answers

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"So, looks like you finally showed up, eh?" Yoko Sakaki, the mother of Yuya and Kailee Sakaki asked Declan Akaba, a cocky grin on her face. "The food was getting cold, y'know. But thanks for taking care of Isabelle-chan."

Declan politely bowed to his elder, maintaining his composure. "I apologize, we had to take care of a... medical emergency of Hoshi-kun's," he replied, trying his best not to laugh.

"DECLAN-KUN!!!" Hoshi yelled as she pulled a crowbar out of nowhere and proceeded to attempt to smack him, only to fail miserably. The rest of the group, however, was having a case of deja vu (well, everyone except for Yoko, Yugo, Clair and Sora.)

"Weird, she's like Kailee-chan and Zuzu-chan!" Vector whispered to Yuto, taking care not to be overheard. However, Zuzu, who was right next to him, decided to slap him across the face and chew him out, much to the group's amusement.

"OK, that's enough, let's just eat you guys," Yuya sighed as he stood between Zuzu and Vector while Kailee held Hoshi back from her onslaught on Declan, who sighed in relief.

"Please!" Yugo and Sora cried in unison as they rushed to the table and held their forks and knives.

"Dear god, where are your manners bro?" Clair asked as she smacked Yugo on the cheek, much to the latter's displeasure.

"Well, thank you for the food Mrs. Sakaki!" Sylvio said as he sat down with everyone else.

"It's my pleasure," Yoko replied as she scooped lasagna into all of the plates.

For a while, there was pointless talk as everyone dove into the heavenly cheese lasagna and pizza. But Declan had decided to come for a specific reason. To tell the truth. But... how would he do it? How do you tell someone your father... no, that you caused someone's dad to accidentally disappear?


"And that's when I was able to summon my ace and win the duel!" Yuto happily recounted as everyone listened, well, almost everyone.

Declan wanted to just tell them, but he was afraid. Afraid that this would wreck his relationship with them, afraid that he would never get to say... 'I love you' to that angel of a girl.

"Um... may I change the topic to something serious?" Declan asked, while Kailee rolled her eyes.

"Oh sure, you don't need to be so precocious!" she giggled as she ruffled his hair.

"Well... *sigh* I have a truth I need to confess. My father, Leo Akaba... is the Professor at Duel Academy."

Silence. Pure silence. Great, he thought. I screwed up now for sure. However, he decided to continue before anyone could say anything.

"I found out 4 years ago, which was a year after he disappeared. I wanted to bring him back to Standard, but... he didn't come. He told me about his plan to create a utopia, and sent me back home and destroyed the one way I could go back to him at the time. I told his old business partner so we could form a resistance, but..."

"Who was the partner?" Sora asked, aware of it already from his research.

"My dad," Yuya said, looking strange.

"Yes, your father. I thought he ran away so he wouldn't have to deal with it but... Yuto-kun told me that he accidentally went to the XYZ Dimension when he was trying to go to Fusion and got amnesia. In fact, he remembered his past only after the first wave of attacks there... in short, I am to blame for your father's disa-"

"No," Kailee retorted, her face blank. "You're not to blame. Can you and I talk in private?"

Declan was taken aback. "Sure."

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