Chapter 8: Plans

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 "Hey sis, what's the matter?" Yuya asked, snapping his sister out of her train of thought.

"H-huh? Oh, nothing! So, Declan-kun, what's the plan?" Kailee asked, trying to seem normal and calm, something everyone was aware that she wasn't. However, they just brushed it off, as they had more serious things to talk about.

"Well, there are 4 known dimensions. 2 of them are what we'll call, 'Academy Territory,' while the rest have no known influence. However, if we leave the Academy to their own devices, we'll lose our freedom to their control," Declan summed up as he got up and walked around the room, captivating his audience. "The plan that I have is rather simple. Standard and Synchro are both free of influence, and since we have a foothold here, we don't need to worry about the former. However, I am unaware of the latter."

"But we are!" Clair piped up, pointing to herself and Yugo. "And... we need to tell you of the dystopia."

"Dystopia?" Zuzu asked, feeling curious of what her friend's lookalike meant when she said that.

"It's... well..." Clair stammered, at a loss of words. Like prison. But that ain't gonna mean anything to them.

"I can explain, sis," Yugo sighed, running a hand through his hair. "It's based on class. Sylvio-kun, your pops is a politician, no? Then your whole family would be considered 'Topsiders,' while people like me and Clair-chan? We are considered 'Commons'. The Tops live like kings, while the Commons live like beggars and criminals. Most people who are born Commons stay Commons, and no one ever takes them seriously. Except for one case- being a Duel Champion or a celebrity of some kind. It happened with an old friend of ours, Jack Atlas. But now... I really don't know what to call him, man! But simply put? Get the Tops trust, it's really all that matters... sadly."

The group sits in silence, at a loss of words. They understood why Clair had called it a dystopia. Declan however, decided to ask something. "If you were to fathom a guess, what percentage is the whole population of the city considered Commons?"

Clair scoffed, fiddling with her goggles. "Like, 90-95%. Like Ni-chan said, you need to be rich and famous to be a Top. They get all the good stuff, while we're stuck with the leftovers. But then again, some Tops aren't horrible... we are... well off with one of them."

"Yeah..." Yugo agreed, remembering a duelist he had met at last year's Friendship Cup. One that was the son of a famous scientist, who treated Clair and him kindly, despite their status difference. Well Yus, I think I finally understand what you meant back then... Yugo thought, his hand moving to his pocket to grasp the object inside. "Wait! Even if you get the Top's recognition, you need more. You need Sector Security, which is like the most screwed up police who only arrest Commons and the head of theirs is shit, but you need the Elders, who are... well... complicated?"

"...Noted," Declan muttered, while he thought to himself, Well, this is going to be SPLENDID. How the hell am I supposed to win them over?!?!

"So basically, Synchro has a screwed up system and we only need to convince the leaders because no one else's opinion matters?" Shay asked, confused.

"Yep. You just summed up the whole thing," Clair confirmed, while everyone just stared at her, then at Yugo, then at each other.

"... Ok we have a side mission. TEACH THOSE STUPID ELDERS A FREAKING LESSON!!!" Kailee shouted so loudly that even Henrietta (who was in the lobby) heard her.

"Sure, and just how are you going to do that?" Zuzu asked, while Kailee just sat in silence, realizing she didn't know how she was going to beat up some royal 'Elders,' who just sounded like a piece of work to her.

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