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Pomni was laying flat on her bed, wide awake. Images of the exit door were flurrying around her head, driving her mad.

The sun began to rise, if you could call it that. Caine was really just trying to get her to move. The point is, the sun was up, and with a groan, Pomni rolled out of bed, and went to her blue and red closet, picked out another copy of her outfit from yesterday, her first day, and headed down to the main area of The Tent.

Today was her second day at the circus. Her first day has been... Less than ideal, so she was hoping today would be better.

Pomni swore she saw an exit door, it was right up in her face, but then she blinked, and it was gone.

The others soon came down to the tackily checkered floor of the main area. Ragatha took a seat at the conveniently placed breakfast table, followed by the others and Pomni.

The multicolored jester found herself staring at the ragdoll for an unusually long period of time, admiring her, before snapping back to reality.

After breakfast was over with, everyone sat and waited for Caine to get there.

Pomni walked over to Ragatha, to try and talk to her about yesterday.

"H-Hey, Ragatha..." Pomni stuttered, although she didn't know why.

"Hey Pomni, what's up?" The ragdoll questioned curiously.

"I j-just wanted to say I'm sorry for yesterday... I didn't want to leave you, b-but my temptation got the better of me, and you could've gotten seriously hurt because of it..." Pomni finished, looking away with a darkened expression.

Ragatha had a worried expression on her face, and she extended a hand to turn Pomni's head back towards her. Pomni was severely flustered, but she was trying her best to hide it.

"Hey, listen. I get it. The first days are tough. I know that you didn't mean to hurt me. Things will get better." Ragatha explained with a soft smile, which Pomni returned, still a bit flustered.

"T-Thanks..." The jester whispered.

"No problem, new stuff."

Caine interrupted the moment, popping into the scene unannounced, as always.

Pomni thought she saw a door behind him, but tried to convince herself it was just her brain playing tricks on itself.

Jax sighed heavily. "Alright, what's the 'adventure' for today, big eyes?" He glared at the ringleader.

"Yeah, what is it?" Questioned a newly restored comedy-mask Gangle.

"Today's adventure will be..." Caine began.

"Ballistic Bats!" He exclaimed. Zooble groaned.

"What's wrong? Pomni asked the blocky character.

"Ballistic Bats is basically where we have to go into a dark cave to catch a bunch of crazy bats." Zooble sighed.

"D-Did you say dark?" Pomni squeaked.

"Yep. Dark and scary!" Jax joked.

"Jax, don't be mean!" Ragatha defended Pomni, who was grateful for it.

"Come now, to The Cave!" Caine exclaimed. Kinger was already hobbling after him. Pomni sighed and trailed behind.

Pomni swore she saw at least five exit doors on the way to the cave.

The mind shenanigans are overwhelming. She thought to herself.

"Here we are, at The Cave! Find and capture all the bats and put them in this cage, and you all go free! There's no time limit, so take as much as you need!" Caine explained, pointing to a magical cage. Big surprise.

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