Snow Day

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The next day, Pomni and Ragatha were both able to get downstairs for breakfast.

Ragatha sat across from the red and blue jester, who seemed to be fine after yesterday.

Should I tell her? Ragatha asked herself. She so desperately wanted to tell Pomni how she felt about her, but she didn't want to cause her any more distress. It'll have to wait. She decided.

After breakfast, Caine showed up with Bubble.

"Today's adventure will be..." A drumroll somehow came out of nowhere.

Caine led the 6 humans to the peak of a giant, snowy mountain, where there were sleds, snowboards, and skiis.

"Now, you'll all pair up in teams of two, and  either ski, sled, or snowboard down the mountain! The first team down the mountain wins!" Caine announced, before vanishing in a puff of smoke.

The six of them were left to sort out the teams themselves. Ragatha walked over to Pomni, who also seemingly was walking over to her, and asked her.

"Do you... Wanna be my partner?" Ragatha asked, a little red-faced.

"Y-Yes." Pomni smiled.

Jax and Zooble reluctantly partnered with each other, as neither wanted to be partners with Kinger, who got stuck with Gangle.

Since Ragatha (and apparently Pomni as well) had no idea how to snowboard or ski, she grabbed one sled for the both of them.

"It'll... Uh... Make us go faster!" She stuttered when Pomni gazed at the one sled instead of two.

Pomni just smiled and sat in the front of the sled, beckoning the ragdoll to join her.

Ragatha sat on the back half of the sled, one leg on either side of Pomni. Both women blushed like crazy, for obvious reasons.

Ragatha and Pomni sat there in position, waiting for the others to ready themselves.

Jax struggled into the snowboard straps, followed by Zooble. They got into position at the top of the hill, and Jax flashed Ragatha a glance that said; Wow. I'm proud of ya, Rags. The ragdoll gave him a thankful glance, then turned back to Pomni.

After Kinger and Gangle got into their skiis, the countdown began.

"Ready, Pom Pom?" Ragatha whispered.

Pomni was so flustered she nearly forgot to answer. She used a nickname for me! I gotta give her one...

"Only if you are, Dolly." Pomni replied. Now it was Ragatha's turn to not be able to speak.

After what felt like an eternity, the countdown voice said; "GO!"

Ragatha boosted the sled with her hands, and they were off. They were speeding down the hill, narrowly avoiding a ton of trees and rocks along the way.

When they were halfway down, Jax and Zooble passed them. Pomni wasn't having that, apparently. Ragatha held on for dear life as Pomni steered towards a ramp a little ways down the hill.

The two of them flew over Jax and Zooble, right over to the finish line, where it was clear they were gonna impact the ground. Instinctively, Ragatha surrounded Pomni with her arms and legs, making the jester blush.

The two of them and their sled hit the ground hard, but not hard enough to hurt that bad. Pomni was protected by Ragatha, who just got the wind knocked out of her a bit.

That didn't stop Pomni from worrying though. She ran over to the ragdoll, and rolled her over.

"Hey, you ok?" Pomni stood over Ragatha, who was lying down on the ground.

"Heh, yeah. You can't get rid of me that easily, Poms." Ragatha smiled warmly at the jester.

Jax and Zooble zipped down in second place, with Gangle and Kinger falling into third.

Caine appeared again, as Pomni was helping Ragatha up.

"Congratulations, you two! As your prize, you win a lifetime supply of an undisclosed brand of cookies!" Caine exclaimed.

Jax and Zooble stared jealously as the two girls celebrated their victory.

"That's like, the only good prize there's ever been." Zooble grumbled.

"And he gives it to them." Jax mumbled with just a tad of spite.

Gangle was just working on getting back up from the ground, and Kinger was already long gone, so Pomni and Ragatha went back home, followed by Jax and Zooble.


Pomni lay in her bed that night, not asleep, alone with her thoughts.

Ragatha's so... Nice. And pretty. And cute. And she really cares about me. But... She probably doesn't want to date me or anything... Pomni thought.

And what about the exit doors? I shouldn't keep chasing after them, after all, I don't really think it's healthy at all. And besides, Ragatha offered to help. I'm not about to waste that.

I need not to stress too much, or I'm gonna end up abstracting...

Pomni groaned into her pillow. Why do feelings have to be so complex?

Meanwhile, unbeknownst to the jester, Ragatha was in her own room thinking about her.

Pomni's so... Unique, and caring. She really wants the best for everyone, doesn't she... She's so cute... But I don't want to stress her out with a relationship right now. Between the exit doors and the nightmares, she's got a lot on her plate right now. And besides, I'm not even sure she likes me back.

All I know is, I'll stand by her through anything, no matter what she thinks of me.

Oh, yeah, and I gotta make sure to tell Caine to take Jax's keys...

The last thing that they both thought of when they went to bed...

Was each other.

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