The Lost Lagoon

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Pomni awoke the next morning with no more nightmares after Ragatha had stayed with her last night.

In fact, Pomni basically woke up intertwined with Ragatha. Their bodies were curled into each other, and their arms and legs were crossed together.

She saw that the ragdoll was still sound asleep, so she decided to get dressed for the day while she waited for her girlfriend to get up.

Pomni smiled at the thought. She was going to enjoy calling Ragatha her girlfriend.

Pomni put on her 'circus attire' and noticed Ragatha was still softly snoring and asleep. Pomni smiled at her and went over to her room to grab some of her clothes for her when she woke up.

Ragatha's door was wide open after she had ran out so suddenly last night, so Pomni was able to walk right in. She grabbed her girlfriend's typical blue dress with tights underneath and brought it back to her room.

Pomni laid the outfit on the foot of the bed, and waited for Ragatha to wake up. The jester was content looking at her sleeping face for as long as it took.

It didn't take long, in fact it was only a couple minutes, before Ragatha woke up. She rose with a yawn and stretched her arms.

Ragatha sat up and noticed Pomni sitting nearby. "Good morning, Pom Pom." She said sweetly.

God she's cute, Pomni thought to herself. What did I do to deserve her?

"I-Uh, brought you some clothes!" Pomni spoke as she gestured to the clothing at the foot of the bed.

"Aw, thank you!" Ragatha smiled warmly as she got out of bed and gave Pomni a quick kiss on the forehead. It felt amazing.

Ragatha quickly put on her new clothes for the day, and beckoned Pomni over.

"Come on, let's go get breakfast."
Ragatha and Pomni quickly descended down into the main area of The Tent, over to the breakfast table, where they were for once, the first ones there.

The two of them sat down next to each other at the currently empty breakfast table and held each other's hands.

Pomni grabbed some eggs to eat for breakfast and Ragatha pulled in a plate of hash browns.

They were both a few bites into their meals when the others finally came downstairs. Led by Jax, of course.

The others sat down at the table, and started to pick out and eat their respective breakfasts.

Zooble noticed Pomni and Ragatha were holding hands under the table, but gave them a glance that said don't worry, I won't tell Jax.

The eggs in the digital circus were surprisingly good despite not being real. After Pomni finished her breakfast, Ragatha still had one hash brown left, so Pomni simply held her head with her other hand and looked at the ragdoll with love in her eyes.

Jax did notice this, and was about to say something, but Zooble death glared at him before he could try anything.

After the circus cast finished their food, Caine popped up like he always does.

"Now that I have fixed that disturbance in the void, we can have a normal adventure today!" The ringleader exclaimed.

"And today's adventure will be..." Bubble began interrupting Caine.

Caine popped Bubble before continuing.

"The Lost Lagoon!" He announced.

"Oh great, another 'adventure' where I get soaked to the bone." Jax grumbled.

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