Beauties, Boats, and Headaches, Oh My!

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Ragatha awoke early the next morning, her hair messy as her bed. She sighed, and rose from the soft cushions.

She brushed her hair with the appropriate 'doll brush', made the bed, and left her room.

Ragatha shut the door as quietly as she could manage, before walking down the dorm hallway. She thought about going to the balcony, but she decided there was somewhere else she would rather be.

The ragdoll found what she was looking for.

Pomni's door.

Ragatha sat down at the entrance to the door, gazing up at Pomni's portrait, which was a sad-looking portrayal of the jester.

But still just as beautiful. Ragatha blushed as she traced her finger around the portrait's cheek.

The ragdoll could feel her heavy eyes beginning to flutter closed.

And before she knew it, she was asleep on Pomni's doorstep.


The sun was up when Pomni was. She could hear light snoring outside of her room, which was rather unusual.

Pomni decided to open the door before getting ready, just to check what was there.

Oh my God... Pomni thought to herself, VERY flustered, as she witnessed the, quite literal, sleeping beauty right in front of her door.

"Oh, Dolly..." She whispered. Making use of all her muscles, she lifted up the sleeping Ragatha, who instinctively curled closer to what was hugging her. This made Pomni blush ever harder.

Pomni was trying her best, but Ragatha WAS bigger than her, so she had to heave the ragdoll inside her room and onto her bed.

"Sleep well, ok?" Pomni pulled the blanket over Ragatha's body, which curled up, as it had nothing to hold.

Pomni noticed this, and placed a pillow between Ragatha's arms, which made the ragdoll smile in her sleep.

Pomni finally pulled on her outfit for today, and, reluctantly, left the room, shutting the door behind her.


Pomni arrived downstairs to see everyone having breakfast.

"Where's ol' Ragsy?" Jax joked.

"U-Um, she's, uh... Still asleep? Yeah! Ragatha's still asleep, definitely in her own bed!" Pomni managed to get out.

"I see..." Jax replied with a smirk, like he knew what was going on. Pomni was sweating bullets.

"Oh come on, Jax." Zooble grumbled, slapping him on the shoulder.

Pomni simply decided to focus on her pancakes, so she grabbed the syrup and other toppings to prepare them for herself.

The jester somehow found herself making an artwork of Ragatha on the pancakes.

From her head's shape to her red locks of hair down to her nose and her... Her... Her perfect eyes, button and all.

Jax noticed this, and Pomni knew he noticed, so she quickly devoured the pancakes and their toppings.

Jax smirked at this, because let's be honest, was he ever not smirking?

"Just like the real thing." The rabbit chuckled.

Pomni was so red she hid under the table. Oh God Oh God Oh God-

Zooble slammed their hands down onto the table.

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