Thunderstorms And Hurricanes

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Pomni awoke, once again, in Ragatha's arms. She was content to just lie there peacefully for a moment, when she heard a large Crack! outside.

This woke up Ragatha, who instinctively cuddled closer to Pomni.

"...Hmmm?" The ragdoll mumbled as she slowly woke up. "What's going on?"

"I, um... Don't know..." Pomni whispered, confused.

"Uhh, Pomni! Get out here!" Shouted a voice from the hallway.

Pomni opened her door and saw Jax and Zooble standing there, still in their pajamas, with Gangle sitting on the floor nearby, rocking herself, and Kinger running around and screaming frantically.

Ragatha ran up to the doorway. "Jax! Zooble! What the heck is going on?!" She exclaimed.

Jax seemed surprised. "Uhh, I thought your room was down the hall." He said, looking at Ragatha, who quickly became flustered.

"Uhh, you know what? Not important. Skip getting dressed and come downstairs now." Jax continued.

Pomni and Ragatha stepped out of the jester's room. Jax and Zooble led the way downstairs, followed by Ragatha and Pomni, with Gangle and Kinger trailing in the back.

The group made it downstairs, where the ceiling was glitched out, and a raging thunderstorm was ravaging everything. Caine was nowhere to be found, and neither was breakfast.

"CAINE! WHERE ARE YOU?!" Pomni shouted for the ringmaster. No response.

"Ugh, wait. I have an idea." Zooble huffed, before pulling out an old flip phone. The blocky character punched in what seemed to be Caine's number.

"It's dialing. He never picks up, he- CAINE! CAINE, WHERE THE $?@# ARE YOU?! THE SKY IS MADNESS AND IT'S STORMING INDOORS!" Zooble raged at the phone.

Caine's end was harder to hear, and Pomni couldn't tell what he was saying. Eventually Zooble got off the phone with a huff.

"He says he's on his way. Like that'll do much good."

Pomni clung closer to Ragatha, who wrapped an arm around the smaller girl.

Nobody knew how long they waited, could've been 30 minutes, could've been an hour. Everyone had lost all sense of time.

Finally, Caine showed up, along with Bubble. He seemed shocked, despite the fact that Zooble had already explained the whole situation to him.

"The roof's glitching? Why didn't anybody TELL me?" Caine exclaimed.

"I DID!!!" Zooble yelled at the ringleader with fury.

Ignoring Zooble, Caine snapped his fingers, and The Tent was back to normal, and the storm cleared up.

Pomni finally stopped tensing up, and Ragatha shot her a reassuring, loving glance.

"W-Well, uh... Is there an... Adventure today?" The jester stuttered.

"Yes! Today's adventure is..." Caine began.

"Hurricane Central!!!"

"Are. You. KIDDING ME." Zooble sighed.
And so Caine led them to the circus's 'storm center', where any weather imaginable could be spawned into a controlled dome.

He ushered them all inside the dome, and turned the setting to 'hurricane'. Then, he threw a bunch of Gloinks into the dome.

"Capture all the Gloinks and get them to the safe zone outside of the hurricane, and you win!" Caine explained excitedly. Aaaand then he disappeared.

"Better get to work. C'mon, guys!" Jax said as he backflipped into the storm. Gangle tentatively walked in, but then was spun out of control as she was made of ribbons.

Kinger cannonballed into the storm, full force, followed by Zooble, who just walked in, exhausted.

Ragatha held Pomni's hand and made sure she was ok before the pair of them jumped in together.

The six of them were all spinning around in the air like it was the Wizard Of Oz or something. Jax got smacked in the face by a Gloinks, and he tried to pursue it, but it ultimately slipped away.

There were only around 10 Gloinks to catch, and Gangle had one of them. She entered the eye of the storm, where the cage was, and deposited the Gloink in it. She then proceeded to hurl herself back into the storm.

Ragatha and Pomni we're heading towards the same Gloink, and they both smashed into it, holding it between them.

The pair made their way towards the eye of the storm, where they laid the Gloink gently down into the cage.

They were about to head back into the chaos when they both stopped, having the same thought.

They both turned to each other, and Ragatha lifted Pomni up, before kissing her girlfriend passionately.

They both smiled with love at each other, before jumping back into the storm, hand in hand.

The cast of characters continues to catch the shape creatures, until finally... Kinger got the last one. Somehow.

Once they had all exited the dome, Caine reappeared.

"Congrats! You have won a grand feast for taming all of the Gloinks!" The ringleader cheered.

"Great! Because I am famished." Jax sighed.

"You... You can't even be hungry here." Ragatha facepalmed.
The feast consisted of chicken, mashed potatoes, bread, and a lot more.

Pomni was nomming on her chicken drumstick, while Ragatha watched from right next to her. So cute...

Jax was devouring his mashed potatoes so fast even Kinger was concerned, but he assured the others that he was in fact, fine.

After dinner, the others were surprised to see the moon was already rising.

Pomni could see Caine trying his best not to talk to the moon, who apparently has decided to come up early.

Everyone else just shrugged their shoulders and headed for the dorms.

Ragatha and Pomni met up at the top of the stairs.

"So uh... I'm pretty sure I'm nightmare free... But if you wanted to... I wouldn't mind you being with me again, Dolly." Pomni spoke.

Ragatha smiled warmly at the jester. "Of course, Pom Pom." She said, before bending down to kiss her.

The two of them entered Pomni's room again, before flopping onto the bed, cuddling together.

Pomni curled into her girlfriend's warm, fabric-made body. "What did I ever do to deserve you?" She mumbled.

"Nothing. You already did." Ragatha assured her, pecking her on the lips.

Pomni chuckled. "Goodnight, Dolly."

"Goodnight, Pom Pom."

A/N: I know I ended last chapter like that, but don't worry, I'll change it up soon.

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