Meeting someone new

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In I.M.P the turtles were inside the receptionist room and were bored out of their minds.

Mikey: Ugh I'm so bored, I wish we could go out.

Donnie: Yeah well we can't.

Leo: And all we can do is just wait for a client.

Raph: Yeah. Wait what if we didn't go on the hit?

Leo: What do you mean?

Raph: I mean we say that we want to just stay here and when they leave we go have fun.

Donnie: We can't do that. They might find out.

Mikey: besides won't it be suspicious that we're asking to stay.

Raph: Nah we can just say they'll handle it.

Mikey: I mean it sounds like it could work .

Donnie: Yeah sounds right.

They all look at Leo waiting for a response from him.

Leo: Okay we'll do it but only for a few minutes.

As they agreed they felt the building shacking and they run into the meeting room.

Leo: What's happening?!

Blitz: It's probably a hell shake.

Donnie&Moxxie: thats possible?

Millie: Okay don't panic Moxxie!

Moxxie: I'm not panicking. Because hell quakes don't happen.

Loona: Stop getting hysterical fatty!

Loona throws moxxie to the wall and it breaks down and crumbles on top of him. it broke down because a skinny demon with a very long mustache had robot arms break it down.

??: do not be afraid .

Blitz: please tell you got that insurance thing?

Millie: *holds a butcher axe* who are you and what do you want?!

Loopty goopty: I am loopty goopty dastardly inventor of all things loopish!!

Loona: could've just use the door dude doesn't need to be this whole thing.

Loopty: I am eccentric and therefore I must do eccentric shit!

Blitz: *sniffs* ugh this old fuck recks of the living world did you just die?

Loopty: Yes!! Moments ago in fact, which is what brought me here!!

Loona: just saying the front door would've gotten you here fine.

Loopty: shut up dear furry. *pulls out photo* this is the man I gonna need you to kill!

Blitz takes the photo and on it shows an old, short, and saggy old man on a bed

Blitz: Not even a shits length of time in hell and already plotting revenge,*hands phot to raph* I can respect a man like that I'm blitz the o is silent

Loopty: what o?

Raph: bleh this guy looks like you can throw a twig at him and he pops.

Helluva boss x TMNTWhere stories live. Discover now