New enemies

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[For those wondering what Raph's shell looks like just imagine his shell from the 2012 series]

Ever since the festival Moxxie and Millie have been over protective of Raph because they didn't want him to get harmed or injured like before so for the next couple of days they have been making sure Raph hasn't done anything in missions or let alone gone at all. Raph has been annoyed by this and is very angry. At I.M.P the team was about to go on another mission.

Blitz: Alright team let's go kill some bitches and make some more of that motherfucking money!

Raph: Maybe for once I'll do something.

Moxxie: Son were just trying to protect you.

Raph: You been doing this for days! You act as if I trip and I die!

Millie: We're just concerned about your safety.

Raph: Oh really what about the last few missions we've been on?  You've had your parents senses up to 11! It was one time just leave me alone!

Moxxie: It's our job to make sure you have a safe life! We don't want anything to happen to you.

Raph: Nothing will! Just believe me! Donnie what's the target?!

Donnie checks for information about the target on his phone.

Donnie: Um it says our target is some old guy who ordered someone's death years ago.

Leo: Wait why did the client ask for his death now?

Donnie: Guess they just never realized I.M.P existed.

Raph: It doesn't matter it's just some old geezer, I'll do it myself.

Raph walks into the portal

Millie: No you won't you'll get killed!

Raph: The only thing I'll kill is the target. Loona close it now!

Loona: Whatever.

Blitz: Have fun!

Millie&Moxxie: No!

Loona closes the portal as moxxie and Millie try to catch their son. On the other side raph turns around and sees a large temple on a hill.

 On the other side raph turns around and sees a large temple on a hill

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Raph: Okay that's pretty big. But nothing I can't handle.

Raph starts running towards the temple to get the target. Back in hell Moxxie & Mille were trying to get the book from Loona so they can go after raph.

Moxxie: Loona I demand you give us that book this instant!

Loona: No.

Millie: Just do it's the only way to save our son! His shell might be destroyed entirely!

Loona: don't care.

Leo: You know maybe we can trust raph.

Donnie: You two have been getting a bit clingy towards him.

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