The Harvest moon festival

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At Moxxie and Millie's home the entire family is asleep however Moxxie's phone goes on playing his ringtone he wakes up annoyed and turns it off. He tries to fall back asleep but the ringtone plays again annoyed and sees it's blitz and answers

Moxxie: What do you want sir?

Blitz: Hey! Hope I didn't wake ya mox how are you and fam want to visit the wrath ring for some harvest bullshit this year?!

Millie: The harvest moon festival?! Ye fucking ha!

Moxxie: Well millie likes the idea, I'll talk to our boys about it. Wait where are you calling from?

Blitz falls from the ceiling with his phone in his hand.

Moxxie: Mmh of course.

Blitz: Don't worry the boys already know.

The gang goes to wrath and drives to Millie's home with her parents Lin and Joe standing outside waiting for her. Millie runs out the van giving them a hug.

Millie: Mama! Daddy!

Joe: Ye ha! How's my deadly little pumpkin spice doing?

Millie: I'm good pa! Thanks for letting us stay here for the harvest jamboree.

Lin: aw it's no trouble we know you aren't making as much anymore since you ya'll went "freelance".

Millie: Freelance pays fine ma we're doing fine. it's fine.

The turtles were out helping their dad with the luggage until Millie walked to them.

Millie: Anyway ya'll remember my husband Moxxie and my sons.

Millie pushed them all to Lin and Joe wanting them to talk to each other. Moxxie was nervous as they didn't like him. However they were ok with the turtles as they know they're tough.

All 4: hey grandma, hey grandpa

Lin: Aw boys it's nice to see you all again how have ya'll been?

Leo: Uh it's been great yeah

Mikey: Yep we've been doing perfect

They tried not to mention the big brawl they had trying to get back April's scooter.

Raph: Yeah but we have been doing good.

Moxxie: Yes they have been working hard. But how have you 2 been with all the flaming twisters and stuff around here?

Joe: We lost our old farm head to one of them tarots last week.

Moxxie: Hehe oh oh crumbs my bad! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to open that wound sir.

Blitz: Hey watch it I'm the sir here bucko!

Millie: Oh yeah ya'll haven't meet my boss Blitz and his hellhound.

Loona: I'm not just his hellhound.

Blitz: Yeah she's my daughter

Loona: Only on paper. Ya'll don't deserve to know my name.

Blitz: It's a pleasure to finally meet the sperm and egg factory (Leo:gross) that popped out this little gem of an assassin. You 2 raised a sturdy bitch.

Joe: hehehe that we did. So blitz is it that's a fine name

Lin: it reminds me of war.

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