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After the chase with Superfly he and his crew went to the shipping graveyard to finish building the machine expect to Ray fillet who was singing and mondo who was playing the banjo

Ray fillet: 🎵and so cry sometime in when I'm lying in bed. Just to get it all out what's in my head and I'm feeling a little peculiar and so I wake in the morning -

Superfly: ray filet man shut your ass up! If I wanna be sad I'll go listen to some damn John legends.

Ray fillet: uh sorry sir

Mondo: Sorry bro.

Superfly: Now remember this is a happy day because we're gonna kill every demon in big old ugly hell! So smile Mondo!


With the turtles they all wake up in their home.

Leo: Huh w-what happened?

Raph: Where are we?

Mikey: Felt like I was dropped off a cliff .

Donnie: How did we get back home?

??: You can thank Loona for that.

They all look in front of them and see Moxxie and Millie in front of them along with April. And the parents were not happy

Millie: So boys care to explain how was babysitting with Loona?

Moxxie: And who this is?

Leo: Uh well first off babysitting went great.

Moxxie: So how did you get so hurt?

Leo: oh that um well we were um

Donnie: hit
Raph:by a
Mikey: bus?

Moxxie and Millie both raise their eyebrows

Donnie*whispers* hit by a bus?!

Mikey: Well what was I supposed to say? Meteor, cow, mutant fly? My options are limited here.

Millie: What was that about a fly?

Leo: You guys might wanna sit down.

Leo explains how they went to a hound party and the car chase with Superfly along with his plan.

Millie: You guys were not kidding.

April: Um I think you forgot someone.

Leo: Oh um well you see w-we met April during-

Raph: Okay if we let Leo do this we'll be here forever so short version. Remember when you guys were going to kill that old dude.

Moxxie: You four lied?

Leo: Look we're sorry but also, April how did you even get here.

April: Well i would be a pretty bad friend if I left you guys lying on the street.

In a Flashback after Mikey stopped the van and the mutants flew out April stops following them and warns them.

April: Hey y'all better hurry!

Donnie gets in the drivers seat and drives away. The mutants all follow them. But April drives back to Bee's party. She runs inside and finds Bee.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2024 ⏰

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