Moxxie and Mille were going home after a date and on their way home they see 4 baby mutant turtles? They decided to take them as their own and teach them all they know. When their teens they join their family at work. But they also want to like norm...
In the living world 2 humans were looking at screens showing I.M.P at previous locations. They pause at screen showing blitz holding the grimore.
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Agent 1: Right there this was the first sighting
Agent 2: They are definitely from hell they must use this dark magic to cross over into our world and they seem to be killing specifically targeted people. But why?
Agent 1: They always attack at random all over the country. And they are always accompanied by these things.
They switch over screens to show the turtles.
Agent 2: They don't seem to be demons? But show attributes of a turtle. Almost mutated, like the research Dr stockman was working on.
Agent 1: But that wouldn't make sense they are from hell how would the mutagen get from here to there?
Agent 2: The only way to find out is to get those turtles.
Agent 1: But there is no way to predict where they'll show up next.
They then hear a noise outside and look out the window seeing blitz
Agent 2: Ahhh well that's convenient
With Blitz
Blitz: Shh remember we can't be seen.
He then shuts a dumpster then falls backwards making a ton of noise
Raph: Wow a perfect ten.
Moxxie: Pardon my word sir but you're currently being the loudest.
Blitz: I said shush your dick sucking lips moxxie
Moxxie and his sons turn around seeing Millie entering the portal back to hell. Moxxie was about to enter until blitz tackled him down
Blitz: Get Down!
Agent 1 tried to shoot him in a net but failed. Behind the boys was Agent 2 in front of the portal.
Blitz: Loona Close It!
Millie: Wait No!
The portal then closes. Moxxie tries to shoot Agent 1 but gets shot with a tranquilizer dart and gets woozy
Blitz: Moxxie
Turtles: Dad!
Mikey and Donnie pick up Moxxie and along with Blitz,Leo, and raph run to an alley and hit a dead end. Blitz then pulls out his pistol and points it at them.
Blitz: Back off you tuxedo wearing Fucks!
Agent 2 then pushes a button on her gun causing the dart in moxxie's neck to shock all of them. The agents walk over their unconscious bodies
Agent 1: haha I'd liked to see the suits at corporate to call us losers now. That was pretty badass