Queen Bee

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At I.M.P Loona was at the receptionist desk reading a magazine and drinking. She placed the bottle down and it landed on the book used to open the portals to the living world. Once it was open a tree came out and a severed head. Moxxie came out the tree holding a chainsaw, soon everyone else came out.

Blitz: Wooo! That was a fuck ton of lumber jacks!

Millie: Ahhhh! I'm still so jazzed up! Hahaha

Raph: Ahh what a rush!

Mikey: I never want to stop feeling like this!

Moxxie: Ah well you better stay jazzed up babe, guess we're I'm taking you tonight?

Blitz: don't you dare finish a filthy pun in my presence Moxxie. Sides drinks are on me tonight let's hit up the new dive down the street.

Moxxie: Actually sir it's our anniversary so I'm taking Millie to Ozzie's in the Lust ring!

Millie: Ah Ozzie's?! No way! That place is always booked!

Moxxie: Ah welp I've been planing it for quite a while.

Millie: Moxxie!

Millie then begins kissing him a whole bunch of times.

Mikey: Awww

Leo: Wait what is Ozzie's?

Raph: Donnie?

Donnie: Let's see (looks up on phone) it's a club and a dinner theater restaurant.

Leo: Oh that sounds fun.

Blitz: Trust me boys you should probably wait until you're older to see in there. It's just a bunch of horny fucks all getting each other off. Also can you two not.

Raph: Didn't need to know that middle part.

Moxxie: I'm sorry sir. Maybe another time.

Blitz: oh it's fine I can come with the two of you help you celebrate your boring as fuck monogamy

Moxxie: uh no the reservation is for us.

Blitz: uh huh.

Moxxie: Just us

Blitz: Mmm.

Moxxie: Without you there. Explicitly without you there.

Blitz: I'll wear something nice it's a big deal after all. See ya love bugs later!

Leo: Wait what do we do? Do stay home alone?

The 3: Leo!!

Moxxie: Sorry but no the month grounding is still in affect. So I guess we'll hire a babysitter.

Blitz then opens the door he left in.

Blitz: Don't Mox I got a solution. Loonie you're babysitting the boys for the night!

Loona/Turtles: What?!

Blitz: Yeah it'll be good for you and the boys to get along.

Loona: Blitz I'm not fucking doing that I'm going out!

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