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I was in the airport waiting for Harry to pick me up. I scanned the room looking for a curly haired boy surrounded by girls and paparazzi. I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around. "HARRY!" I yelled jumping on him. You see, Harry saved my life. Not the 'this band saved my life' way the 'he pushed me out of the way of a moving train' way.

"Jordan!" Harry yelled back causing a few stares. "We should get going." He said.

As we were walking back I was interrupted by "OMG! ITS HARRY AND JORDAN!!" we turned around hundreds of girls and men with cameras were there.

Harry and i ran as fast as we could. You see, I'm a model/actor and people know me. Plus since I'm Harrys sister they kinda have to know. I'm not bothered by the directioners because they know me as Harry's sister, nothing more to the boys and nothing less. Oh only if they knew...

Once we got in the car we started a conversation "Jordan, did you dye your hair?" Harry's asked.

"Yeah, its lilac now." I replied

"last time I saw you, you were short, and had ombré hair." He added.

"Harry last time you saw me was 2 years ago. I've changed haha."

While in the car waiting there was a knock in the door. Paul opened the door and in came Jacob.

"Hey babe." He said while kissing me. Harry just sent him death glares. You see Harry doesn't like Jacob, because he used to hit me and disrespect me but he's changed.

"Jacob, hi." Harry said with fake enthusiasm.

"Oh hi...I see you still look like a mop." Jacob said while laughing. He than sat next to me. I stood up and sat next too Harry.

"Babe? What." He said confused.

"Listen, I haven't seen my brother in 2 years and i don't like idiots being mean to him so, I'm sitting next to him" when I finished talking Jacobs face turned red.

"Dumb whore! He isn't even your brother!! YOU DONT HAVE FAMILY! Your lucky to even have me! Slut!" He yelled.

Harry and i snickered "Really? I'm the one who's lucky? Haha, well im the one who has a modeling and acting career. Plus I make millions a day...so it looks like its more like your lucky." I said as a matter a factly. He was silent the rest of the way. We dropped him off at his home and took off for the bus. The boys were currently on the OTRA tour.

I entered the bus. "Hi." I said. Everyone's attention went on me.

"Harry who this?" Niall asked.

"She's J--" before he could finish louis cut him off

"JORDAN!!" he yelled while jumping on me.

"Hey louis." I said while hugging him with tears in my eyes "I missed you, 2 years haha."

After the boys came and hugged me, and I told them about what happened we all settled down. "So louis what you doing?" I asked.

"Texting Eleanor." He simply said.

"Who's that." I asked.

"Jordan sit down." Liam strictly said. "Listen we have to tell you something,"

And that's when my heart shattered. The boy I loved was dating a girl. He was in a bad situation...management.

"Oh." I said with a fake smile. "I'm dating someone too!" I replied.


"Haha, come down lou I'm still your wifey. His names Jacob." I said.

Wifey? I bet your wondering...well 4 years ago...


"Lou what are you doing haha." I said to my crush.

"I'm making donuts! Wanna help!" He said happily.

"No! Make me one!" I said excitingly.

"No, I'm going to make you a song! And a donut!"

"A song for me? What are you going to call it Mr.Tommo?"

He had his thinking face on. "Happily! Because that's what we are when were together!"

"Lou your wrong! We act like a married couple when we are together!" I said jokingly.

"Your right!" He said. He then got a donut. "Jordan...wanna be my wifey?" He questioned with a donut as a ring.

"Haha, of course lou."

"Pinky promise?"

"Pinkie promise."

-end of flashback-

"Wifey? Wait what wifey?" Harry asked being 'protective'.

"Haha be quiet little brother." I said extending the little. Yeah I'm older harry by 1 year!

"Oh and als--" before I could finish the bus stopped.

"Boys, welcome to Doncaster."

My smile dropped. All the 4 boys came to my side. Louis holding me rubbing circles onto my back. Niall feeding me chicken. Liam was trying to comfort me. And Harry was crying because I was crying. "My blood family was barried here..." I whimpered.

"Guys...she was adopted by my family...her blood family was killed." Harry explained.

"H-harry I need to see them."

"Are you sure J?" He asked worried. I sniffed and wiped a tear

"I'm Positive."

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