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My life is perfect for now. Jordan and I could (secretly) be together, the wedding is moved to 7 months, we have a little 2 week break (that I'm going to spend with my family), and our new album is almost going to he released!

I put in my coat and head outside, hundreds of girls are there. I sigh and go inside the airport. To my surprise some girls are in there too.

"Louis I love you!"

"Louis are you dating Harry?"

"Larry is real!"

"Shut up! Lordan is real!"

"Shut up you idiots! Elounor is real!"

"They broke up!"

I laugh and continue walking. I take a few pictures and sign a few things. I love my girls.

I sit down and wait for my plane to be called. All of a sudden someone jumps on my back.

"Ahh! Murderer!" I yell trying to get the person off me. I hear a thump and a groan.

"Chill Louis, its just me." A sweet voice answers. I turn around. Its Jordan!

"Babe! What are you doing here?" I ask.

She stares at me like I'm a idiot. "Louis, I'm going home too! This is the only airport here." She says in a 'duh' tone.

Harry comes up behind her. We hug and all three of us sit down. My stomach grumbles and I head over to the McDonalds. I order three drinks and cookies. When I go back Jordan isn't there.

"Where'd J go?" I ask the curly headed prince in front of me.

"She had to go pee." He tells me. I nod and start eating my cookie. The sweet chocolate too fills my mouth and I moan. This is delicious!

"Ehh Lou, do you want to ehh marry my sister?" He ask with the cookie in his mouth.

"Why would I want to marry Gemma?" I ask confused.

"Not Gemma you fool," he says hitting me on my shoulder, "Jordan." He continues.

My eyes widen, do I want to marry her? I mean that would be nice and I've known her for a long time, but I HAVE to marry Eleanor. I really love Jordan though. Do I want to marry her?

"That would be nice, but you know I have to marry Eleanor."

He throws his soda across the floor. "Bullshit!" He yells, punching the table, "If you want to marry Jordan nothings stopping you!"

I think for a second, he is very true. Just because i have to marry Eleanor doesn't mean I can't marry Jordan.

"Harry! The plane!" Jordan yells at her brother rushing back. Harry stands up grabs her sisters bags (as well as his) and runs.

I just sit there wondering about Jordan and I.


"Gemma!" I yell at the girl standing in front of me.

"Jordan!" She mocks.

We hug each other and then let go. "Family!" I say hugging Anne and Robin. Robin takes my bags and puts them in Gemma's room. Since my actual house is in America I don't have a bedroom here, you would assume that they would have a guestroom since their son is rich but, no.

I head inside and jump on the couch. "Home sweet home!" I whisper.

Harry is already watching a football (soccer) game with Robin. Anne comes sit with me and so does Gemma.

"So Jordan, I heard you and Lou are expecting a baby...." Anne hints.

I nearly spilt out my apple juice. "Uh who told you that?" I ask mom afraid of what she is going to say.

"Oh sweetie don't be like that! It everywhere!" She laughs.

I go on my phone and search up "Is Jordan Styles pregnant?" Millions of articles pop up, lots and lots of Photoshopped pictures of Louis and I. I almost start crying. This article was published and hour ago so I'm fine.

The fans are still freaking out, this is worse that what happened with Briana! Why? I'm Harry Styles, sister for gods sake!

I call Louis and he immediately answers.

"Louis!" I yell.

"Jordan!" He replies.

"Its everywhere!"

"What's everywhere?" He ask.

"Go on Google."

The lines silent for a while but then I hear him gasp.

"I'll call you later babe! Love you!" And then he hangs up.

I open instagram and put my phone on the table. I set the timer and gather everyone.





I edit the shit put of the picture and put it on Instagram.

"Happy to see them!" I caption. What they didn't know is I was pointing to my stomach and making a face that will sureley make everyone know I'm NOT pregnant...or maybe they'll think I am.


I throw my phone across the room in frustration. First I'm "pregnant" now Jordan! When will the rumors end. I just got off the phone with Luther, explaining to him I'm not having his baby.

We had sex once!

Yeah, I'm dating Luther. Harry, made rules about this but I'm older then him so fuck him.

I love Luther, I really do. I have plans for him. We will get married, have children, and grow old together. Nothing will come in our way. Well be the best couple ever.

He's so sweet to! He cooked for me (and he didn't dip his fingers), he gets me flowers we go on dates, he loves me.

I know he does.


"Bye babe." I hang up the phone with Gemma.

I look over at Kyra.

"Cmon let's do this." I whisper while sliding the condom on.

She grins.

How I love taking the innocence of sweet girls.

I love it.

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