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Katsuki pov:

After I come out of shock and slight denial of everything that happened I finally notice that Deku is lying on the ground completely out of it and the weird ghost dude disappeared. "WHAT THE CRAP JUST HAPPENED!" I yelled to the forest after I failed to process what just happened to Deku. "Oi Deku are you okay?" I ask as I walk up to his body and nudge it with my foot.

"Deku?... Izuku?!" I try to yell in his ear to get him to respond. 'CRAP CRAP CRAP CRAP CRAP CRAP CRAP CRAP CRAP CRAP CRAP CRAP CRAP' I think as he proceeds to not respond at all. 'I need to get him to the grownups. They know what to do, they're adults after all!" I told myself while looking around for the others to find them gone. 'Of course those wimps ditched us.' sigh "Now I got to carry De-Izuku back to the school by myself! This is gonna suck." I rant to myself as I start to carry De- no! Izuku back to the school.

3rd pov:

While Katsuki was carrying Izuku back to the school he didn't notice the thing poking his cheek was two fox ears that sprouted out of Izuku's head.

Back at the school however Katsuki's friends just got back to the school and got spotted by the teachers looking for them when they tried to sneak back into class. "Where have you boys been?! And where are Bakugo and Midoriya?!" The teacher confronts them as she pulls them aside. "They're in the forest behind the school." Tsubasa mumbles in shame. "We told you boys not to go back into the forest! It is off limits for a reason!" The teacher scolds them and lets out a long sigh at the end. "Just go back to class and we'll find them." She states while taking them back to their classroom and she goes to find the principal to get their parents and a search party after they're back in class.

Back to Katsuki:

'I just got the feeling that I'm going to die once we get back to class.' I could only think as a shiver went down my spine and I imagined my terrifying mom being angry at me. "You better be okay Izuku once we get back, and that ghost guy better have not done anything weird to you or I'll beat him up!" I tell Izuku while I shout the last part to the forest.

After a while of walking we finally make it back to the school, only for one of the teachers to drag me to the principal's office while another takes Izuku to the nurse's office. As I get a shiver down my spine as I near the principal's office I can only think of one thing. 'I'm about to die to my angry mom.'

3rd pov:

"DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH TROUBLE YOU'RE IN BRAT!!!" Mitsuki states while smacking him upside the head. "Now now Mrs. Bakugo, your son should be able to explain himself for going out into the forest." The principle kindly states which causes Mitsuki to release Katsuki from her death grip much to Katsuki's delight for not getting suffocated. "We were exploring the forest for bugs to catch to show off to the class, but we found an old shrine and accidentally summoned a ghost dude and he did something to Izuku and and-" "Calm down and breath young Bakugo, Midoriya will be fine, he's just exhausted from unlocking his quirk." The principal reassured Katsuki with a calming smile. "The ghost you saw was probably your imagination or his quirk being used on accident." "Can a quirk really knock a kid out cold when they awaken it?" Mitsuki questioned her while Masaru helped to comfort Katsuki. "It's rare but it can happen to kids who get quirks that take a lot of energy to use and they end up passing out due to accidentally overdoing it when they first get their quirk. All he needs is some rest and to figure out his quirk so he doesn't overdo it again." The principal states while looking over to Katsuki. "You're lucky that you are getting off easy this time, but don't go into the forest again you made everyone get worried sick for you two so don't do it again." She gives him a stern glare while Katsuki nods his head quickly.

The principal claps her hands together. "Well I think this problem is solved Bakugo should go back to class and Midoriya should take the rest of the day off to rest and go to see his doctor for his quirk evaluation." She heads over to open the door to let the Bakugos out to go about their day.

A visit to the new family doctor later in the day:

"I'm sorry Mrs. Midoriya, we aren't sure what Izuku's quirk is. As it's not showing up on any of our machines, it's very weird, but he very obviously has a quirk." The doctor states while fixing her bun while looking at the computer. "So what should we do, doctor?" Inko asks, getting a little anxious. "You'll just have to go along with whatever that happens and overall be prepared for anything. I know it's a bit annoying, but we've done everything that we can." She states to Inko.

She looks at Izuku who's playing with his new green fox tail in wonder. "Hey Izuku do you feel like you can do anything with your quirk at the moment?" She asks in a nice voice bringing him from his tail playing. "Um... I figured out that I can do this." Izuku states unsure of himself as he starts to focus on his quirk.

Izuku's fingernails start to glow a light green and start to look like claws as a second tail sprouts up behind him as he creates a small green cube that's filled with a light blue aura swirling around inside of it. The doctor gets a good look at it and picks it up before it shatters after squishing it a little bit.

"Oh dear are you okay?" Inko states as she notices a little blood from her hand after Izuku leans on her in exhaustion. "Oh don't worry I'll be fine." after she looks at her hand. "Nothing a band aid won't fix." Inko sighs in relief at that and gives Izuku a snack that the school gave her to restore his energy. "You have a neat quirk, Izuku! It seems that you're able to make solid objects out of energy as that cube completely disintegrated into nothing after it broke." Izuku got happy at the praise for his quirk that he finally got after so long. "You also seemed to have a second tail when you were using your quirk. That means that your quirk can fall under all three categories of quirks." She states after putting a Band-Aid on her hand. "I didn't know quirks could fall in more than one category." Inko states while tilting her head at the doctor in confusion. "It's pretty rare for that to happen, but if you look at quirks in a certain way it's like that for most quirks. Even emitter types have small mutations in their bodies to resist their quirks, like Endeavor as he can now produce flames that are probably a couple thousand degrees which would easily burn any normal person, but he doesn't get burned himself because of his heat resistance. It's a really neat concept to think about." She stated proudly at her own knowledge of quirks. "Now then getting back on track, we just need to name Izuku's quirk. Oh! I got the perfect name for your quirk! How about Kitsune?" She stated while looking at Izuku. "I like it!" Izuku stated while taking another bite of his snack.

After a little more talking of Izuku's quirk. "Make sure to come see me whenever you have any questions about any discoveries with your quirk." The Doctor told them as they left her room. "Don't worry we will and thank you for helping us out." Inko states while leaving the room and the doctor gives Izuku a lollipop. "What do you say to the nice woman?" Inko asked. "Oh. thank you!" Izuku stated while leaving the office.

"Well that went well. Now let's get back home and show your quirk to your uncles!" Inko states while putting Izuku in the car. "Yeah! they're gonna be so happy!" Izuku states while playing with his tail. "You should stop playing with your tail, you're going to mess up the fur." Inko lightly scolds him while pulling out of the parking lot. "But it's so soft and fluffy!" Izuku states proudly, causing Inko to laugh at his silliness.

An: Sorry that not much happens in this chapter, just trying to get through the prologue to explain things before the actual action. The prologue should end with chapter 3 and then we can get to the UA shenanigans. Also please leave any comments that will help with my writing! Just don't be rude about it, I'll gladly take any constructive criticism that you have for me.

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