Izuku's Hero and Quirk analysis for the future

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An: Any images I put in are drawings and scribbles Izuku made for visualization.

'Kurama talking to Izuku in headspace'

Izuku's notebook:

Izuku Midoriya:

Future Hero name:???

Quirk: Kitsune

Other abilities:Chakra and Kurama

Kurama decided to tell me that he isn't a quirk at all and how he is a resurrected ancient being created by what best can be described as a god-like being that created chakra which was meant to connect people but ended up being turned into a weapon and that said god blessed me with his power. Thankfully he restricted access to his and Kurama's power or I would probably explode according to Kurama. Kurama figures' quirks originated from chakra mutating into something simpler. Kitsune apparently is a quirk that is able to utilize the spiritual energy that is usually used to make chakra. It would probably be stuck dormant if not for the large amount of chakra being shoved into my body. The more I use my quirk and chakra the more tails I sprout and the more I look like a green Kurama also my regular hair has ended up turning into fur over these past years, the most tails I have been able to sprout has been four, which turns my arms, legs, and a bit of my face to be like a kitsune. This transformation has made Kurama to call me a kit for some reason. I figured out that I have 7 colors for my quirk abilities and that I can have two active at a time with one on each hand.

Blue: Can create shurikens and control gravity.

Teal: Can create strings as small as wire to as big as rope and can create a bubble that slows time down inside of it.

Green: Can heal myself and others, and can make floating shields or domes that are strong enough to protect against decent sized explosions from Kacchan.

Yellow: Can make needles that Kurama calls senbon that are insanely fast, it seems to up my reaction time as well.

Orange: Can make paper tags that explode, it increases my strength, and gives me pyrokinesis.

Purple: Can make kunai and increases my durability.

Red: Can make a katana and increases overall all my physical abilities.

Chakra: I got to do hand signs to make the jutsu work, thankfully we found out in the mindspace that we can project our memories in there so Kurama has been sharing his memories of a boy called Naruto.

Hand signs:

Techniques: I learned the three basic jutsu's taught to make genin first and I started to branch out to learn other techniques

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Techniques: I learned the three basic jutsu's taught to make genin first and I started to branch out to learn other techniques. Mom's favorite is the transformation one when I turned into a small kitsune like Kurama as she probably almost died from the cuteness and Kurama figured out how to bring himself out into the real world but smaller thankfully as he is now the size of a house. My aim for weapons is subpar according to Kurama.

Elements: I know basic techniques for every element and we started to go into what Kurama calls Kekkei Genkai. The first one I got down was ice release after I froze my arm and had to thaw it out. The ones I know so far are Ice release, Lava release, Scorch release, Magnet release, and Storm release. I haven't got the others down yet and once I do Kurama is going to teach me a Kekkei Tota.

Other abilities: I apparently have a lot of chakra, but I have nothing to compare it to, so it's hard to tell. Kurama said that my eyes will change, but he refused to go into detail and he overall seemed mad at the fact I have this unknown ability.

Future Hero costume: (It so far only consists of a sketch of a body with the only thing being detailed is Izuku's face)

Back to the real world in 3rd pov:

Izuku is sitting at his seat looking at his sketch trying to figure out what his costume should look like while he brushes his tail. "Izuku?" Izuku looks up to his teacher and shrinks back a little when the whole class is staring at him "Y-Yes?" The teacher sighs. "You need to pay more attention. I called you four times already." Izuku, now even more embarrassed as some of his classmates snicker. "Sorry, what were you calling me for?" "You plan to go to UA right? With Bakugo?" The teacher asks, looking at his papers. "Yeah! Izuku and I are aiming for the top! While you losers will probably get stuck as a sidekick for some busted D-lister!" Katsuki shouted, interrupting Izuku and the teacher and causing the whole class to boo at him. "Kacchan! Don't say that! I'm sure they will all make great heroes." Izuku stated, trying to tame the glaring Bakugo. "Tch, whatever." Bakugo, now sitting in his seat again and class continues as normal.

'That brat is too cocky for his own good, I should beat him down a peg or two.' Kurama, being woken up from his nap from the outburst of class. 'I would normally disagree, but I can't keep Kacchan tamed by myself and we are going to be training together over break for the UA entrance exam.' Kurama now starts plotting while Izuku throws his own bit in there causing him to not pay attention to class again.

After class:

"You need to pay more attention nerd, I know you like to talk to that fox in your head, but uncle Shouta would kill you if he found out you are daydreaming in class." Izuku shutters at the thought of his angry uncle, it was bad enough being in the same room when you're the one not in trouble, but being the one in trouble is so much worse. "Anyways let's go to the arcade there's a good shortcut through that alleyway!" They start walking through the alleyway and after passing a sewer grate they hear it move and a ominous voice echoes through the alley. "Well, well, well. Looks like there are two nice skinsuits for me to hide in. The real question is which one should I choose."

An: Sorry for the late update! This story slipped my mind for a minute tbh. Anyways we are finally into the main start of the anime/manga territory! This chapter didn't turn out fully how I wanted it as I was struggling with some bits, but it should be good. The next update probably won't be until christmas break as I have to deal with school and my senior project which I'm semi freaking out about, but it should be fiiiiineeee.

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