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3rd pov The Midoriya house:

"I wonder when the little listener is going to get home?" A blond weirdly styled haired man asks while brewing up the fifth pot of coffee today. "They should be getting home from the hospital now so stop worrying." A yellow sleeping bag grumbles from the floor. "WHAT WHY DID HE NEED TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL!!!" The man states almost breaking the coffee pot in his outburst. "First of all, inside voice; And secondly something happened at school, but it's nothing serious." The sleeping bag states while a glowing red light peeks out through the hole in the bag. "Okay sorry I lost control of my quirk again. When were you going to tell me though?!" He asks much quieter this time much to the relief of everything in a five mile radius that has ears. "Never since I knew you would freak out." The bag sighs out and the red glow disappears.

"Well aren't you going to get up to greet them when they return from the hospital?" The man walks over to the sleeping bag. "Can't Ashes is sleeping on me." The bag motions to the ash gray cat sleeping on it. "Just move him, he can sleep through anything." The man states while grabbing the cat causing him to wake up in a very grumpy mood. "Crap-" The man was just barely able to get out before the cat started to attack him for ruining his cat nap.

The sleeping bag opens up to show an amused man with messy black hair eating a jelly pouch while watching the blond get murdered by the cat. "Ashes can only sleep through anything auditory as you made him go temporarily deaf last week which he is still recovering from, and is still very pissed at you about it obviously." The bag man states to the now near dead blond man who is now sobbing on the floor in pain. "I told him I was sorry!" The man cried from the floor as the other man got out of his sleeping bag. "One he can't hear you, and two he is probably going to take that grudge to his grave, he is a cat after all." The man states picking the cat off of the other and moving him to his favorite napping spot. "Now get up, they're almost home, you don't want me telling Izuku that you, a pro hero, lost to a cat." The man boredly states while nudging the other man with his foot.

"Yeah yeah yeah I'm getting up, and that cat is no joke he could probably take down a B tier villain!" The blond exasperates after getting off of the floor. "Sure, keep telling yourself that to keep your pride intact." He grumbles to the blond while getting another coffee.

Before the blond can respond the front door opens. "We're home!" Inko states while Izuku dashes into the living room. "Uncle Ashi! Uncle Sho! I finally got my quirk!" The green bean exclaims while showing off his tail. "You're sooooooooo adorable! Little listener!" Ashi states while picking him up and spinning around in joy. 'Cute' Sho only thinks as he watches the display. "So what's his quirk?" Sho asks Inko as she comes into the kitchen for a cup of coffee. "We aren't sure Shouta, the doctors weren't able to figure it out so we have to see what happens." The green head sighs after taking a sip of much needed coffee. "Well at least we've got my quirk to stop anything dangerous from happening. Hizashi! Be careful or he's going to puke on you again like last time." Shouta states when he sees Izuku to be a bit more green than normal.

"Oh please, the little listener is fine!" Hizashi states right before getting barfed on by the now dizzy Izuku. "AAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!" The now not so blond yells while running into the bathroom, while Shouta uses his quirk to not have their eardrums burst. "What an idiot I've already had to use my quirk twice today and we're off duty, are you okay Izuku?" Shouta states putting eyedrops in his eyes. "Yeah I think I'm okay now." Izuku grumbles from the floor. "Well at least It didn't get on the carpet surprisingly." Inko states while using a wipe to clean up Izuku. "IT'S IN MY PERFECT HAIR!!!" Hizashi shouts from the bathroom. "Will uncle Ashi be okay?" "Yeah he'll just be a little traumatized that's all." Shouta answers with a smirk.

"So what can you do with your quirk?" Shouta asks after putting Izuku on the couch. "Um so far I'm able to make a second tail appear which changes my looks to be a little more fox-like. I can turn my fingernails into glowing claws and I just figured out how to change the color of them! I finally figured out how to make a small cube." Izuku states proudly while showing his quirk off except for the he made earlier cube to not tire himself out.

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