A Gross Blob!

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Izuku pov:

"Which one should I choose?" The voice caused a chill to run down my spine as I saw Kacchan tense out of the corner of my eye. We both immediately turned around to see that a gross green blob crawled out of the sewers. Kacchan's hands already started popping while I mentally prepared myself for a fight. "Hmm. The blond looks like he has a strong quirk, but the green one doesn't look like he could hurt a fly, so he would be much better to hide in. So I should kill the blond and take the green as my host and get away scott free!"

'Does this guy not realize that he is right in front of us and that we can hear his plan?' "What a dumbass, just shock him so I can go back to napping." Kurama snorted. "There's no escaping me kid!" The villain quickly wrapped around my body and cut off my air supply. Kacchan tried to use his explosions but it had little effect since he was just made up of liquid. I gave Kacchan a look to make him back down as I proceeded to electrocute the blob, effectively tasering him with my body. After a few seconds the liquid went limp and slid off of my body as I deactivated my jutsu. "Hah! Wrong choice dumbass!" Kacchan stomped into the goo to run salt in the wound.

"I AM HERE!!!" All Might shouted while coming out of the sewers. He looked around while me and Kacchan were shocked at the fact we are seeing All Might in the flesh! "Oh dear! Looks like you two beat me too, defeating him!" I snapped out of my awe as he said that and I got filled with dread. "WE CAN EXPLAIN! It was in self defense! I only just tased him with my quirk for the most part." I am now sweating almost as much as Kacchan's hands do. "It's okay young man you did it in self defense! And you only seemed to knock the villain out." All Might finished scraping the villain into a bottle that he just emptied out. "Well I'll be off boys! Make sure to stay safe, and call for help if you need it for I AM HERE!" All Might jumped away to the horizon leaving behind a fading tailwind from the force of the jump.

"CRAP! We didn't get his autograph!" Kacchan yelled, breaking me out of my stupor. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" I fell to my knees and gave a scream that rivaled uncle Ashi when he stubbed his toe that one morning. " We got to meet All Might in person but didn't get his autograph. This can't be happening." Kacchan has already descended into denial while I became a sobbing mess on the floor.

Our turmoil soon gets cut off by something smacking our heads into the pavement. "Stop being so pathetic. So what if you didn't get one measly autograph! Get up and move on with your lives! Soon you will be the ones that have to deal with giving out autographs!" Kurama the size of a large dog looks down on our probably pretty pathetic forms. "I'd rather die than waste my time giving a bunch of extras autographs" Kacchan gets back up shooting Kurama a glare while rubbing the back of his head only to be quickly shot down by Kurama's own glare. "Yes but becoming the number one hero means that you'll have to deal with being popular and deal with media vultures. Anyways, I'm going back to have a nap." With that Kurama vanished with a puff of smoke.

"Do you still want to go to the arcade or-?" "Let's just head home. I'm not in the mood anymore." Kacchan answered me before I could finish as he started to walk home. "You really need to stop trying to out glare Kurama and uncle Sho. Those glares are unbeatable and it just makes Kurama pissy when you try it." I said quickly catching up to Kacchan. "I'm not going to stop until that old fleabag fears me." "You do know that the most your quirk can do right now is like a small fart compared to what he can do." Kacchan's face scrunched up at that and he started to stomp away from me. I was able to catch back up and change the subject. I noticed Dagobah beach and how much it turned into a trash heap. "Hey Kacchan! We should go train there! Moving all the trash will increase our strength and also clean up the beach!" I pointed out the beach. "Sure whatever nerd." Kacchan said not even giving the beach a glance. We talked about it until we split off to go to our separate houses, deciding to start tomorrow to get ready for UA as much as possible.

"I'm home." I semi yelled into the house after closing the door. I waited for a sec while taking my shoes off only to get silence. "Oh yeah, everyone is working late today. Welp might as well practice my fuinjutsu." I walked to my room to find Ashes napping on my bed so I sat on the floor and pulled out paper to practice on.

After a while of practicing and almost blowing up my room a couple of times. I go to make dinner after seeing the time. After making dinner and eating for a bit, Mom and uncle Ashi came home to join me, uncle Sho had to work at night. We talked for a bit and watched some shows before I went to bed waiting for tomorrow's day of training.

AN: Yeah I'm not giving Izuku OFA as he is going to be overpowered without it anyways so this was what I came up with for this event which 99% of it is just Izuku showing to All Might that he should be his successor so this version ended up being less eventful. Other than that I won't be doing a Christmas chapter special since it won't make sense to just shove one randomly in this early in the story and I have many plans for the main events that I can't do yet since I haven't gotten there yet which is making me annoyed at myself. The next chapter is probably going to be a training montage and the entrance exam which I'll probably have done after Christmas (if I don't get a new game that I get addicted to and forget about this because of the ADHD I probably have.) Also on a final note HOW AM I ALREADY 17th ON MHAXNARUTO I KNOW THERE IS ONLY LIKE 100 STORIES BUT STILL!

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