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her pov

After five days everything started feeling weird. Me and Ares were constantly fighting and arguing over stupid stuff, me and Georgia werent even looking at eachother in the hallways and my mood swings were just crazier than ever.

Today i didn't go to school i am not feeling my self lately. Every morning i am literally dying in my bed and puke. Evey single morning since my night with Ares.

My period was supposed to start 2 days ago but nothing. All i can think about is me and Ares having unprotected sex and what if....

I mean it is a possibility. I am so fucking scared i haven't told anyone yet and i don't think i will. I will deal this on my own. I am just waiting for Karen to leave the house so i can go to a pharmacy to get a test. God i am so stressed what if i am pregnant and i have to get abortion its not murder i am not against them but who is going to pay for it? There is no way i am telling my mum or dad.

Fuck. I heard the front door closing so i figured that Karen left but i heard knocking on my door. I opened the door and Ares was standing there.

"What are you doing here" i said as i started walking towards my closet to find clothes.

"Why didn't you come today" he said as he sat on my bed

"Not feeling good" where the hell are my clothes

"Could have texted"

"Text what"

"That you wouldn't come you are too angry for this early"

"I- i told you i am not feeling well" i said and suddenly felt two arms wrapping around me and him kissing my neck

"Ares i am really not okay stop" i said but he kept going

"Hey i am not fucking kidding" i said while pushing his arms away from me.

"The fuck is your problem" he said while his eyes turned icy cold blue that happens when he is mad

"You. Fuck off i told you like a hundred times that i am not okay but you are ignoring me" i said and my eyes were tearing up

"You are not even talking to me anymore this past days you are just mad or sad or not in the mood fuck you Ava"

"No fuck you Ares excuse me if i am not always in the mood for fucking that's the only thing you care about" we were shouting at eachother this is probably my fault

"When the fuck did i say that i only care about sex Ava? You are driving me insane i don't understand what the fuck is wrong with you"
i was just standing there trying to think if i should have told him or not but he didn't like my silence so he just left.

I whipped my tears off, dressed up and went to the pharmacy.

After i got home i had second thoughts because i knew that this stick was going to change my entire life.

I finally found the courage to do it and now i am just waiting. Fuck this is more stressful that i thought it would be.

My alarm went off and i picked up the stick to see that is positive. Fuck. I am pregnant. I am fucking pregnant shit.

I started crying, i don't know what to do. How did i let this happen. FUCK.

The only person i wanted to say it is Georgia and i didn't even hesitate i just started driving to her house.

The tears never stopped running while i was driving that was making it so hard to drive i am suprised i made it there. I started knocking the door and when Georgia opened her eyes teared up too.

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