Chapter I: Bad Reputation

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Diana's chest heaved as she gasped for air, reaching up to wipe away the blood and viscera that spattered her face following the battle at the gate of the Emerald Grove. She grimaced at the grizzly sight before her, bodies of the small troupe of goblins littered the ground - somehow by the grace of a wayward god, none of her newfound companions or any denizens of the grove joined them now.

"Ugh it's in my hair!" the whiny, lilting voice of the white-haired high elf keened behind her. Hiding her smirk, she turned her face just as Astarion focused his annoyed vermilion gaze upon her, already having loudly apposed offering aid when they first heard the panicked cries of the soldiers yelling for the tieflings above to raise the gate. Diana bent down to scavenge the foul-smelling bodies for anything of remote value to sell, the reality of funding the drinking habits of this merry band of idiots was a constant nagging in the back of her mind (along with her little worm friend, of course). However the distinct honor of being this motley crew's leader was bestowed upon her, she often daydreamed about returning the lovely little sentiment back to sender. Diana wouldn't consider herself a natural-born leader, and did not much like the idea of suddenly being responsible for a raggedy group of tadpole-infected strangers. In the short amount of time she had come to know them, she felt much more like the appointed governess to a bunch of exhausting school-children. None of them were very forthcoming about their backgrounds, which in part she was understanding as she had her own reasons to keep much information about herself held back. However, there were little nuggets of lore that occasionally dropped casually around the campfire by her acquaintances.

"Oh stop your crying," she heard Shadowheart grouse from a little further away by the distinct sounds of her heavier boots. "You were hardly any help at all. Not like that other man; what did he call himself - The Blade of Frontiers? Now, he knows how to fight." Shadowheart stated wistfully, seeming to think back to watching the very heroic, if not ostentatious, man from before strike down foes with his sword and eldritch spells.

Diana had just tucked the last of the pilfered items into her pack, turning around slowly as the exertion from the battle caught up with her; just in time to see Astarion's fox-like smile in response to Shadowheart's grumpy disposition. "Says the person who would be worg food if it weren't for me watching her backside, and I am fairly certain you enjoy that I spend so much time doing so."

Diana's eyebrows rose as Shadowheart's face lit up a bright crimson, obviously struggling with returning the verbal blow. Just as her mouth opened to fire back a retort, Gale cut her off with flourish and exasperation, "Now now, children. Last I recalled, we are on a mission to search for a healer. You two can continue your petty argument later when we are back at camp. I'm sure Lae'zel will have a cheerful comment or two about your apparent waste of energy on silly bickering." Gale had come to stand beside Diana, looking down at her as he finished his verbal reprimand of the aesthetically opposite birds of a feather. The two narrowed their eyes at him at the same time, and Diana could see that they were about to turn their focus back onto Gale. Turning her face up to look at the wizard from Waterdeep, she recalled briefly when they first met;

Walking out of the wreckage of the nautiloid, Shadowheart, Astarion, and herself had come across an ancient rune that had obviously starting to break down structurally. She had been studying the unstable source of magic, head tilted intently as she thought to figure out what exactly what was causing it to malfunction so violently. Just as she had reached out her hand to try and sooth the raging strand of weave, a man's hand shot out of the boulder and waved. "A Hand, anyone?" She had startled and smacked the hand away from her. Despite her gut reaction, once Gale was pulled from the rune, he was polite as he introduced himself and seemed genuine in offering his services; and thanked her for allowing him to adventure alongside them. Since then, Gale has been the most open and supportive companion to her - his kindness never wavering even when he was not in the mood to disclose much about himself. Even though he was somewhat stuffy, Diana found herself smiling at his attempts at humor even when the butt of the joke ended up being his failure at the delivery. Also, Gale took it upon himself to be the designated cook on nights where she is particularly struggling with multitasking the duties of being their appointed leader - which he knew she would never ask for or admit she needed the help. Even when he managed to scorch the night's stew or accidentally misuse the spices when he felt adventurous, she was grateful. Diana ignored the two trouble-makers and breathed in, pointed ears picking up the low rumble of men shouting on the other side of the barrier "I suppose we should go see what all the fuss is about."

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