Chapter V: Shot down in Flames

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Diana had been relieved of the first watch by Lae'zel, who had unceremoniously told her to get lost after chucking a neatly folded bed-roll at her and pointing at her own tent, which was decorated with various trophies from significant battles and the stuffed head of a mind flayer, mounted to a board like an army banner. Diana looked at her skeptically, trying to discern the grumbled words and only able to understand something about it being cold out and needing rest in order to be effective in battle. Diana had not raised her own tent, instead choosing to travel lightly most of the time and preferring to sleep under the starry night sky, naming the constellations off like old friends.

Diana wished the irritable Githyanki a good watch and made her way to the black and crimson tent, unrolling her bedding and laying it respectively to the side of her companion's so as not to disturb it. The inside of the tent was surprisingly warm, lined generously with furs, blankets, and pillows for sleeping or sitting on. Diana had settled into her bedroll, just about to cover herself with her blanket - she yelped when she felt something jab her sharply in the side. Sitting up, she lifted the edge of Lae'zel's bedroll only to find that the warrior had hidden several blades underneath- it rather resembled an armory under there.

Diana smiled and rolled her eyes, carefully scooching a little further away from Lae'zel's hoard of sharp objects and making herself comfortable.

She had hardly closed her eyes before sleep pulled her down deep into the dark, images of the constellations twinkling in her mind.

Diana woke to a bright ray of sun peeking through the flaps of Lae'zels tent - she followed the golden beam, looking behind her to find the woman herself wrapped up in her bedroll, arm flung over her face as she slept soundly. It was an unspoken rule in their camp that those who stayed up to keep watch had the luxury of sleeping in, and it was bad etiquette to wake them before they did so by themselves. In Diana's mind - it did not matter if you were a morning person or not, staying up in the wee hours by yourself could grouse even the sunniest of attitudes.

Sitting up, she very gingerly gathered her things - careful to not wake the sleeping warrior for it would spell certain death, or at the very least a bit of maiming, if she did.

Once successfully outside of the tent, Diana stood and allowed the sun to greet her, closing her eyes and savoring the warmth of the beautiful morning. By the sun's position in the sky, Diana was able to conclude that it was likely mid-morning and she had slept in even longer than usual when she took a watch.

"Well well - sleeping beauty finally awakens.You are rather popular as of late, aren't you?" Asterion's voice lilted to her side, his tent stationed right next to Lae'zel's. "Did our Gith friend keep you up too late, darling?"

Diana could hear the smirk in his voice as she turned to face him, plastering on the most saccharine smile she could muster.

"Oh and it was such a lovely morning," she chimed, her voice sweet like candy as she sauntered toward him. She rested her hand on her hip and leaned in as if to tell him a secret - he fixed her with what was likely his most tantalizing smile as he stepped closer, looking down at her with a glean in his eyes that made all sorts of dark promises.

"Too bad there's a whiny little rain cloud in the middle of our camp!" She giggled before turning on her heel to walk away, the sound of laughter drew her eyes towards the campfire and she saw that Wyll, Karlach, and Gale had all witnessed their petty little exchange. She could hear Astarion sputtering behind her, a trail of muttered dramatic curses following her as she made her way over to the group.

She wished everyone good morning as she sat down on a log and took the steaming bowl that Gale handed to her, thanking him as she closed her eyes as she inhaled the cozy cinnamon-sugar scent of the oatmeal and letting it warm her hands. The smell reminded her that it was not so long ago that she was infected, before that she used to take stock of the rare moments in her chaotic life where she felt truly comfortable. Cinnamon-scented memories drifted lazily through her mind as she took her first few bites, the group having settled into content silence as they ate - it would not be long before Lae'zel woke up and then would promptly yell at them to get a move-on.

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