Chapter XII: Please

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"Hey, soldier."

The sound of a low, rumbling voice and the feeling of warm hands roving over the curves of her body roused Diana from her dreams, her eyes fluttering open as she hummed sleepily.

Blinking slowly, her eyes adjusted to take in the soft glow of a towering figure hovering over her, still taking in the hills and valleys of her form, large callused hands lingering over one spot before moving on as if attempting to learn the map of her body by heart. She registered that it was still dark outside, her little patchwork tent still enveloped in the darkness of the moonless night that she had gone to sleep in. Despite the close proximity, Diana was not afraid as she had easily recognized who she lay beneath.

"Hey yourself." She quipped back, voice still small and laden with sleep as she stretched out underneath the powerful barbarian that loosely caged her, arms stretching out above her head and back arching to banish the stiffness that came from sleeping on the ground for extended periods of time.

Karlach smiled down at her, eyes glowing like the embers of a campfire with her face just inches apart from hers; It would only take the slightest of movements to close the space between, and suddenly the idea of doing just that overwhelmed Diana's senses. She looked into Karlach's eyes through the veil of her eyelashes, the heat that had begun pooling in her core quickly burning its way through her veins and devouring what was left of her common sense.

As if moving on their own, her hands reached up and rested against Karlach's chest, and even with her fingers splayed apart, they barely managed to cover the expanse of muscle underneath. Karlach's eyes followed her hands, watching with burning intensity as they made contact with the tattered black leathers that she wore. Leaning back on her knees, she reached up to gently take one of Diana's hands and press a soft kiss to the back of it, staring into her eyes the entire time she did so. Diana watched through hooded eyes, lips parted slightly as she shifted the position of her hand to cup Karlach's cheek, her thumb caressing the soft skin over the sharp angles of her jawline - the look in the barbarian's eyes was ravenous as if one small movement away from snapping altogether.

"How are you here without turning my little tent to ash with us inside it?" she asked dreamily, not entirely caring about the logistics of it, however her curiosity was getting the better of her. Karlach gripped her wrist at this point, hunger prowling through her features as she breathed in deeply as if trying, and possibly failing, to pull herself together.

"I came because I was–" she caught herself, shaking her head as if trying to clear it - her eyes darkening as they narrowed down at Diana, "I came because I am angry with you."

"This must be a dream." She pondered out loud - Karlach still looking at her with an expression that would have absolutely crushed her if she were awake. Diana tilted her head to the side, wading through the tidal wave of desire in order to mull over Karlach's words, which was surprisingly difficult. She continued to caress her cheek with her thumb absently, her lips pulling into a lazy smile as she shifted a little, parting her legs and using her hips to scooch up a little to better see Karlach's face. "Pray tell me what I did wrong so I can apologize and continue to have the best dream I have had in a long time."

Karlach seemed to be warring with herself on the inside, the look in her eyes seemed more conflicted than the anger that shone in them previously; she reached up and dragged her hand down her face in exasperation.

"You have no idea what you do to me, woman." she grumbled half to herself, eyes looking upward as if praying, or complaining, to whichever of the gods were listening at the moment. Diana dropped her hand from Karlach's cheek and used her exasperation as an opportunity to lean back up on her elbows and close the distance a little more between them, shaking her curls out behind her head so as to not lay on her hair.

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