Chapter II : Bad Idea, Right?

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"Absolutely not."

Diana deadpanned, shaking her head as if banishing the thought with a finite swish of her curls. She began to pace back and forth along the back of the falls, swatting defiant black waves out of her face as they blew haphazardly from the wind coming off the water. Wyll's account of Karlach's reputation all but rattled the rogue tiefling, having much experience losing fights that she decided to headbutt her way through instead of strategize.

The rest of the group watched her in various forms of curiosity and confusion - however, as always, Astarion was the first to make his opinion known.

"And why the hell not? We are plenty rested and have not had a decent fight yet today!" exclaimed the rogue, gesturing widely with his hands and looking to Gale and Shadowheart to back him up.

Shadowheart looked back at him with her eyebrows knit together, wordlessly threatening him with her stare for dragging her into the dispute. Nature seemed to win this round as the two very similarly aligned in the way they enjoyed fighting - pushing their bodies until they collapsed into a satisfied stupor around the campfire. Diana did enjoy a good fight, of course; Some of her best days were spent outsmarting and out-finessing her foes and throwing herself onto her bed at the end of the day, muscles spent and mind quieted on the tail end of an adrenaline high. Fighting seemed to have the same effect as some other very enjoyable activities, however after a somewhat long dry spell, picking a fight was all she had. As much as she savored a good brawl, she much more enjoyed winning and sometimes that required a little more preparation.

"I think we can take her," Shadowheart spoke after a few seconds of consideration - "There's four of us and only one of her, and by the looks of it, she seems to be injured. We could take care of her before she ever steps foot on the sword coast and I am sure that Wyll would be agreeable to that sentiment. I think it would be stupid for us to pass up what could be a rare moment of weakness from her."

Shadowheart squared her shoulders, head held high with resolve and the crown atop her long braid making the half-elf seem all the more taller.

Diana looked to Gale, hoping that the wizard would come to her rescue and see some sense in that they needed to take a little more time to make sure they were well enough prepared. However, much to her vexation, she could already read his expression and see that he was already lost. Gale, ever the curious scholar, had been taken by the stories of the infamous she-devil and could not help that he wanted to meet her and maybe even ask her questions if the opportunity presented itself - never mind that his other companions were looking to stab first and hear life stories later. Gale had never met a devil in the flesh and was unwilling to pass up the chance to interview one - who knows when he would have the chance again, if ever. As they all knew well enough now, life could end at any moment so there is no sense anymore in not taking chances.

"I think there is always the opportunity to learn something...even if it ends in a little maiming." Gale hedged, subconsciously shuffling a few inches closer to Astarion and Shadowheart as he sided, a rare occurrence, with them.

Diana gaped at him, making sure to embellish a look of betrayal and shock on her features.

"Traitor." She grumbled, hands resting on her hips as she stared up at the ceiling, pleading to any benevolent God that might be listening that these feral raccoons that she calls companions don't get her killed. Closing her eyes and sighing deeply, she dipped her chin to level her gaze at the other three party members.

"Fine! Fine. I swear that if any of you let my ass get scorched, I will send you to the hells myself."

A victorious smile had spread across Astarion's deceptively beautiful face, apparently as infectious at the tadpoles because Diana could not resist smiling back at him.

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