Chapter 1

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"Colora! Colora!" he yelled.

Colora turns as she sees Thor entering her room. She sees not only is he out of breath, but something is wrong. Realizing something has spooked him. She walks towards him and asks, "Thor, what is it what's wrong?"

"I just received word from Heimdall and father," says Thor. "Loki is alive."

Colora's pupils grow big; shocked and confused. "He's alive. How?" she asks.

"I don't know," he replied.

"Does Heimdall know where Loki is on Earth?" Colora asks, "Thor looks down briefly; knowing that he wants to answer her question but instead chooses not to. "Why is he on Earth?"

"Heimdall told me that he has the Tesseract and he's going to use it to gain power and rule over Earth."

"How does he have the Tesseract?"

"I don't know. That's why I'm going to find out."

They stare at each other; Thor then bows, turns around and walks away. As he leaves her chambers, Colora glances down, then grabs her sword and shield and follows him.

"I'll come with you," said Colora as she catches up to him.

"No you stay here," Thor responds.

"No, I want to help. Let me come with you."

"No, Colora," Thor shouts. Colora looks at him with tears in her eyes as she knows that she wants to go. Thor sighs and walks towards him, "I need you to stay here. Heimdall will let you know if something happens." Colora glances away. Knowing that she is upset, so Thor leans in and hugs her. "I promise that I'm going to bring him back here. But he will have to face justice and pay for whatever crimes he will or is committing."

"Alright," Colora replied as she let's go of Thor. "But you bring him back alive."

"I plan on it."

Thor smiles then turns to walk away.

"Thor," said Colora. Thor turns and faces her. "Tell him. Tell him that I. That I –"

"I will. I'll be back soon," Thor interrupted.

Thor takes his Mjolnir and flies to the Bifrost. Colora runs to a balcony to watch him leave.

As soon as he leaves, she runs to find Frigga. Dellinger and Harisa notice Colora and follow her. A few minutes later, Colora finds Frigga in her chambers and enters. (Dellinger and Harisa enter soon after.) Frigga notices Colora entering her room as well as Harisa and Dellinger looking at each other before they look at Colora. They all see that Colora is concerned and worried. "Colora, are you alright?" asks Frigga.

"I don't know," Colora replied as she paces to gather her thoughts. "I don't know whether or not to be relieved or angry to know that he's alive and he didn't tell us or come back."

"I understand. But right now we have to wait for Thor to bring him back."

"No!" Colora shouts as she turns to face Frigga. "There's got to be some way where we can help."

"Colora," said Harisa.

"Look!" Colora shouts once more as she turns to Harisa and Dellinger. (Realizing that they must have followed her.) "I'm not going just to sit here and wait for him, or something! I want to help any way I can!"

"I agree," said Frigga.

Dellinger, Harisa, and Colora are shocked to hear that Frigga would actually agree to the idea.

"You're going to help?" asks Colora.

"Yes," Frigga replied as she stands up and walks towards Colora. "he might not be biologically my son and may have done some horrible things. But he's my son. I believe if we try to convince him to stop and come home then maybe we can help protect the mortals before it's too late."

"How? When he was here, he wouldn't listen to her?" Harisa questions her.

"What makes you think that he'll listen to her now?" Dellinger asks as he turns to Colora. However, after asking that question, he notices Colora giving him a look. Dellinger looks away uncomfortably and adds, "Not that I'm trying to sound negative or anything."

"You might be right Dellinger, but we must try," Frigga replies. "I don't want him to come back and be sentenced to death if we don't try to help him."

Colora looks at Frigga with tearful eyes as she knows that Frigga is right. They need to act, quickly.

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