Chapter 4

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The team turns to Thor then back to Colora as they are slightly confused that she is not from his world. Steve turns back to Thor and asks Colora, "So, you're not from Asgard?"

"No, she is not," Thor replies as he walks towards her. Colora glances down at the floor then at Thor as he walks towards her. "Colora, what are you doing here?"

"I thought I'd stay and help you. To help the team," Colora replied. "You're not the only one who knows Loki."

Thor is confused but not happy. "Wait are you actually here?" he asked.

"Yes. I couldn't help not being here physically anymore," Colora replied. She glances at the team then at Thor then walks around Thor and towards the table where the team is sitting.

"Wait, how do you two know each other?" asks Steve.

"Why have you come beside knowing Thor and Loki?" Fury asks as he crosses his arms and stares at Colora.

"Because I know that Loki would not do this just to rule. But for revenge against those who betrayed him. Such as you Thor," Colora replied. Everyone turns to Thor then back to Colora as they are slightly confused by what she means. "And because he was lied to about being a son of Asgard by King Odin."

"If that's the case, then who's the true enemy besides Loki?" questioned Steve.

"I don't know. That's why if I talk to him, I can get more out of him. He trusts me and always has ever since we were children," Colora replies. Everyone looks at each other then back at Colora. "Look we don't have much time. You want to get Loki to talk; you're going to have to trust me. I know I can do it. Just trust me." They all glance at each other once more, then at Thor then at Colora once more.

A few minutes later, Tony and Banner are in the lab talking and running through Gamma rays to get any information about where the Tesseract could be. Steve at first gets annoyed until Tony mentioned how S.H.I.E.L.D. is keeping valuable information from them. So Steve decides to investigate. For Colora, she watches Loki through the cameras. As Loki is pacing in his cell, Colora is staring at him, noticing the smallest about Loki that has changed. His appearance and attitude towards the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D. scare her. As she watches him, she thinks of ideas on how to break him. Nick notices, as well as his second in command, Maria, approach her.

"So you've known Thor and Loki since you were children?" Maria asks.

Colora turns her head and replies, "Yes. We met almost 1,052 years ago." She looks back at the monitor to watch Loki. "To be honest, it may sound strange to you, but Loki and I became the best of friends."

"Are you seeing him?" Maria asks another question. "You are, aren't you?"

"Yes," Colora replied. "Well, I was. When he was on Asgard."

"Do you love him?"

Colora turns around slowly; feeling uncomfortable and unsure how to answer that question.

"You mentioned that he's plotting revenge on those who betrayed him," said Nick. Colora and Maria turn around. "Why? How did Thor betray him?"

Thor is below them looking at monitors when he happens to overhear the conversation. He stops what he is doing so he can listen to her.

"Thor was obsessed with me," Colora replied. "He thought when he and I would rule Asgard together. But Thor got jealous because I chose Loki and not him. The love Loki and I have for each other has always been there. I see good in him even if he's changed. But the reason why he wants revenge on Thor is because he kissed me when I didn't want to and to prove to Thor that he can't always get what he wants."

"So was Loki jealous of Thor?" implies Fury.

Colora sighs and adds, "He's always been jealous of Thor and still is. He also wanted to prove that to the all-father that he could rule Asgard just as well as Thor. But Odin didn't want that for Loki."

"That doesn't explain one of the reasons why he wants Earth so severely," said Maria. Colora tilts her to the side, gesturing to Maria that she agrees with her. "Do you think he'll tell you who he's working for as well as his plan?" asks Fury.

"The only way to get him is manipulation," Colora replies. He's the God of Mischief. Tricks and manipulation is his specialty. But it tends to backfire on him.

Fury glances down then leaves. Thor sighs as he realizes that this is part of the reason why Loki is taking revenge on Earth. He then notices Phil, who is gesturing him to come to talk to him for a moment and decides to do so.

"By the way, what are your unique talents?" asks Maria.

"Shapeshifting, stopping time, apparition, illusions, and enchantments," Colora replies.

"So you're like a sorcerous?"

"Sure you can say that. However, I develop a new gift every few hundred years."

Maria glances to the side then leave her alone. After Maria leaves, Colora looks back at the laptops to watch Loki.

A few minutes later, Colora decides to take a break and walk away for a moment. However, she notices that Fury, Agent Colson, and Thor are talking. She decides to listen to what they're talking about. Colora sighs and walks towards him. As she walks closer to him, she realizes that Thor is talking about last year and Loki. After Nick had asked Thor why Loki seemed to be the only person wanting to be on the cruiser, Fury, and Colson notice her watching them. They decide to leave Thor alone so she can talk to him. As she walks towards Thor, she sees a particular look in his eyes. "Thor. Are you ok?" she asks.

"Colora. I'm sorry," said Thor.

Colora tilts her head and blinks several times as she is confused by why Thor is apologizing. "What for?" she asks.

"What I did to you that night," Thor replied. Colora is even more confused until suddenly she realizes what he means. For a moment she is surprised and curious to know what he remembers. "I don't understand," said Colora

Thor takes a deep breath and says, "Last year. After we had our date, I thought I went out with my friends. But when you were talking to Fury about Loki and everything that happened. I started to have this strange feeling. As if I was waking up from a dream. From a memory."

She leans close to him and whispers to him, "What do you remember?"

Thor sighs and replies, "We went to dinner, then a dance started; telling a romantic but jealous love story. You wanted to go somewhere because I could tell that you felt uncomfortable. However, I told you to stay because I said that it reminded me of you, and the feelings that my brother and I felt towards you." Every single detail that Thor describe's that night horrifies her. She hyperventilates and begins to have a panic attack as his description intensifies. "When I asked you if you loved me and you said no, I flipped and got angry at you. You were so scared that I chased you all the way back to the palace. When I got to your chambers, I lashed out at you. I started to do something that I should not have done." Colora sheds one tear. She quickly wipes it off so no one can see. "I'm truly sorry Colora," Thor adds. "I acted like an animal, and I wasn't thinking straight as well as your honor when you asked me to stop. For that, I will never forgive myself." Thor turns away from Colora and shuts his eyes. Expressing to Colora that he genuinely does feel guilty to what he did to her that night.

Colora lightly touches his arm and replies, "Thor. It happened, and there's nothing that can change that." Thor looks at Colora. "I maybe still upset at you for it. But you've seen the error of your ways. Thor, I forgive you." Thor gives Colora a small smile as he feels better about himself then Thor grabs her hand and places his on top of hers. She smiles knowing that she helped him in some way.

Colora glances down to the floor and says, "Thor I know Loki has changed and he isn't the same person we both knew, but -"

Suddenly she starts to feel strange. Thor notices a look on her face as he recognizes that something is wrong. "Colora. Colora are you alright?" asks Thor.

"Will you excuse me," Colora whispers as she turns to leave the room quickly. As she does, this makes Thor concerned; wondering what Colora must be seeing.

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